Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Monday.

Jesus Christ speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the House of Glory in the House Chapel in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Jesus Christ speaks: I, Jesus Christ, speak now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in the will of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved believers, beloved children, beloved followers and above all you, My beloved little flock, I say to you today, on the second day of Easter, My eternal thanks because you persevere and endure in this tribulation of My Church in the present time. You were always there for my consolation and you always followed my instructions although it was sometimes exceedingly difficult for you to endure this and to hold out. In My power and My love you, My child Anne, have received these messages and will continue to give them into the world through the Internet.

I, Jesus Christ, am truly risen! I am among you as the risen one and I am not followed. People do not believe me. As then the prophets I sent were not recognized, so also my present ones, whom I send out into the world, are not recognized. On the contrary, one persecutes them, one despises them and one mocks them and says all evil after them.

Especially My beloved Pius Brotherhood does not obey Me in any way. If they continue to persecute my messengers in the hatred in which they lie, they are not in the truth. For envy, hatred and pride surround them and they do not pay attention to my instructions, which I make known to them through my prophets. I am the one who gives it to them. It is not the messengers themselves who act. You are confusing this, My beloved Pius-Brothers. I send them also among you so that you may recognize, observe and obey the truth.

The truth is that My Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at this altar of sacrifice in Mellatz is celebrated in truth by My priestly Son, namely in the Trentine Rite according to Pius V. And you, My Pius Brothers, who want to follow Me, celebrate My Sacrificial Feast after 1962, that is, according to the modified rite as My Holy Father John XXIII has commanded you. And you do not recognize the truth. "The truth shall be burned," you tell the believers. And yet it is my messengers whom I send, even if you despise them. I will sweep you away overnight. You will split, because the truth must be in you, because without the truth no one reaches the goal.

You want to receive me in truth and pass me on. But among you is the lie. The lie that still follows this Holy Father. Have you really thought about whether he is in the truth? Can you see that? Do you want to wipe out Assisi? Are you saying that Assisi never existed where this Holy Father sold and betrayed My Church? Do you want to maintain and pass this on?

Under this Holy Father there is no new Council, because it would have to be proclaimed ex cathedra. This is not possible today, My beloved Pius brothers, because this truth, this whole truth, is not given into the world by My Supreme Shepherd. He does not recognize the truth and does not spread it, but he spreads the lie and leads the faithful astray through the meal fellowship in Protestantism. Is that right? Is this the truth? Can you follow this truth?

How much I love you and wanted to lead you into the New Church. I regret with all my heart that you follow the lie and do not recognize and spread the truth. You must follow the whole truth. If you recognize them and do not give them into the world, there can only be unbelievers among you. The believers follow my instructions and they also follow my messenger, whom you despise.

You claim she does not know the Bible. She is not biblical. The Bible, you say, is all for you. Yes, if you knew the Bible, then you would realize quite soon that the truth must be spread, that my prophets must be despised and persecuted, just as I too was mocked and persecuted. This is the truth! My messengers lie in the truth and take everything upon themselves: even the atonement in many atoning nights for this Holy Father. They pray for him and they suffer for him. Why? Because he should convert and convert to the true Catholic faith, which he did not know in Assisi. On the contrary, he felt comfortable among atheists and unbelieving religions. He reached out his hand to them and invited them himself to this meeting in Assisi. That is why he has sold My church, which I will now build anew. And that is why my little one must suffer so much because I suffer in her and the new priesthood and the new church in her must first be suffered. Only then will it arise gloriously.

And you, My beloved Pius brothers, will not belong to this New Church. You stay outside, even if you have such a success that you build your chapels in many towns and cities. If you then do not lie in the truth, all sound and smoke remains.

One day I, the Almighty, will destroy everything that is not in the truth. You indulge in pride. Unfortunately you have become proud of your district leader in Germany. He knows the truth and does not obey it. He despises my messengers and spreads these lies among you. You do not recognize the truth in its entirety.

I have to tell you so much because today is the second day of Easter, the feast day on which I rose from the dead and died on the cross for everyone - including you. I have redeemed you. How can you continue to spread the lie as truth? Truth remains truth! It is My truth, which I give to My messenger and which she scatters into the world, - into all countries. Many believers kneel down before my truth and recognize it, - but you do not. Believe in it so that I will not have to say to you one day: I do not know you and I despise you!

All My love that I wanted to give you and flow into your fraternity has remained fruitless so far. She did not become fertile. I wait for this fruit until today, because my love is still boundless.

And so I bless you all on this feast day, the second day of Easter, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Trinity loves you and your Heavenly Mother is with you. It continues to bless and shape you. Amen.


