Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Feast of the Candlemas.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the candle blessing the angels from all four directions came to this house chapel in Mellatz. They adored the Blessed Sacrament and also the Child Jesus in the manger. The Blessed Mother appeared in glistening light. The infant Jesus in the manger sent His rays of grace, which became wider and wider, in all four directions.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today on this feast of your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Feast of Mary's Candlemas, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved faithful from near and far, beloved children, beloved followers and beloved little crowd, today you have celebrated the feast of the Candlemas of Mary. This is a special feast of the Blessed Mother. Also the candles were consecrated. They become inflamed on certain days of the year. Why? Because they were still consecrated on the last day of this gracious Christmas season, because today, according to this rite, the Christmas season ends. In modernism this time is not considered. Thus many gifts of grace from the little Jesus child in the manger are lost. You, my beloved little flock, have received many graces in this extended time. You were allowed to worship the Child Jesus in the manger again and again. It has asked you many graces from the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. It sent these rays of grace to strengthen you in Divine Power throughout the year.

My beloved children, how many graces have been lost in this time of modernism. Special celebrations are simply overlooked here. Saints who would be important to celebrate are left out. The liturgy itself has changed in some ways. The many intercessions, octaves, orations and vigils have been lost and much more that is very important today. The liturgical vestments are no longer worn. Why? Because the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been disgraced. It has been made equal to the communion of Protestantism. Why? Because people no longer wanted to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast, because there are no sacrificial priests, no sacrificial table at which the Son of God Jesus Christ can and wants to offer Himself to the Heavenly Father in every Holy Sacrificial Mass, and also wants to do so. The holy sacrificial banquet is no longer respected because people, especially priests, do not believe. They no longer believe in this sacred mystery, this great mystery - Mysterium fidei. The Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is ignored. Why? Because one no longer wants to believe in the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ. Is He not Himself present among us when we adore Him daily in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar? We may go to Him, for He is truly present with Godhead and humanity. We may tell Him everything because He is the Godhead, the Godhead who goes to the Father.

The Blessed Mother herself will intercede for you again and again and present your concerns to the Heavenly Father in all grace. Can the Heavenly Father resist this grace of the Mother of God? No! She is your dearest, holiest mother, - the Mother of God. She gave birth to the Son of God in all purity and yet She submitted to the law on the feast of this day we celebrate - forty days after Christmas. This Blessed Mother was and remained pure and intact. The Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory was She, is She and remains She forever. Always ask Her for you at the throne of God for your path of holiness, because you have walked this path and can and also want to continue it in the power of God - only in the power of God. This wanting, My beloved children from near and far, is in demand.

Are you also ready to stand under the cross in your grave miseries, in your sicknesses? Are you ready to give this willing yes to the Heavenly Father, even if it seems unfathomable to you? Accept the victims! You will be asked about the sacrifices you made and not about the times when you were doing well. In these times you can gather strength to stand in the hardest time of sacrifice. But carry your cross willingly and accept it as the Heavenly Father has intended for you. This cross alone is for you. And in this cross salvation is granted to you - eternal salvation. Never shall you depart from this salvation. The path of holiness is in demand. Take the steps that still need to be taken in this newly founded church. You will not be able to understand what the Heavenly Father is now working and causing. He alone is the Omnipotent and Omniscient and Almighty Triune God. He does everything. He has taken over the regency and He is now the Supreme Shepherd.

Where is this Supreme Shepherd who has sold and betrayed Our Church, namely the Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? Did he confess to her? Did he make a public confession before these religions with whom he met in Assisi? No! He denied his faith. And that hurts Me, your Heavenly Father, very much.

But the Church will continue to exist in the New Church, as I promised you, My beloved followers and My little band. It will continue, even if you will often not understand anything. But I am working. I heal all wounds. The crimes that have been committed in this modernist church must all be atoned for.

And you, My little one, have been atoning for many months and do not rebel because your little flock supports you, because the Almighty and Exalted God has imposed this atonement on you and you have continued to give your willing yes to it. You do not stop at atoning because you know: It is urgently necessary for this authority, which has not shown obedience to Me, the Almighty God in the Trinity. But you, my beloved ones, believe and trust in the goodness, the love, the patience and forbearance of your Heavenly Father, who does not cease to love you boundlessly. You are loved and you love your Heavenly Father as much as you can. In this love lies greatness.

I gladly accept your love for consolation. I thank you for giving me so much comfort and help in this house of glory. Even if many will still not go along this way, you, my beloved little flock, will persevere and continue to be there for me to comfort me. This house is the house of sanctity, the house of the Heavenly Father, the house of glory, which I myself founded and you may inhabit it. Why? Because you continue to obey me.

I thank you and want to tell you again and again that I love you, love without limits and this love will push your zeal to want to save souls, because many people are not allowed to believe and want to believe. They are led away from this true faith through the authorities, the clergy, because they are forbidden to believe, to believe in my messages, which only correspond to the full truth. Everything corresponds to my truth and nothing is out of my little ones. She could not do it at all, because she would pass on the faith imperfectly. But with my words in divinity it is the full truth, and this truth is attacked, because whoever speaks the truth must reckon with many hostilities and mockeries. But in love the truth carries these men who believe. They are eager to proclaim faith, because love drives them forward.

I thank you today on this special day of the Candlemas, just as the Blessed Mother thanks you on this day. And so I bless you in the Trinity with the dearest Mother of God, with all the angels and saints, especially also today with the Child Jesus, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love be your way! May courage and zeal continue to drive you forward in the truth of God! Amen.


