Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Feast of All Saints' Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the House Chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, so many angels moved into this house chapel that I could not overlook. They came from outside and from all four directions. They adored the holy of holies. The Blessed Mother could be seen again in glistening light. The altar and the symbol of the Trinity were brightly illuminated. Especially the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus shone in a bright glow, showing us the way to the top.

The Heavenly Father speaks: Today, My beloved ones, I, the Heavenly Father, speak again through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is in great atonement. She is only repeating My truths and nothing is out of her.

My beloved believers, My beloved children, My beloved followers and My beloved little band, today you celebrate the feast of All Saints. How many saints have preceded you. They pray for you from heaven today. They look at your suffering and they want to help you in every tribulation. They know what is happening to you, and they also know where this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is tending, and that it lies in total destruction, in self-destruction.

You, My beloved ones, have been taken out of this church. Rejoice and rejoice in the New Church that is about to be built. Many things are incomprehensible to you today. You cannot fathom it, and still you go in conformity with my will because you have promised me loyalty, loyalty in everything, because I am the way, the truth and the life. Whoever believes in me will live in eternity. Today you have heard the eight blisses.

Rejoice therefore! Rejoice on earth, for the kingdom of heaven is certain for you! The Heavenly Mother will guide, guide and lead you on this path of holiness. She looks especially to you today, for She is the holiest of all saints.

My beloved children, pray, pray, pray and atone for the many people who are on the brink of the abyss. Today my little one has seen them and she wants to atone, sacrifice and pray, because they shall not be lost. So far they have been misled by the authorities. This church is in such chaos that you cannot understand it. And you, the members of My body, are suffering because you have taken the way of holiness and continue on the way of the cross up to the mountain Golgotha. I would like to thank you especially for the willingness you have shown so far and for your continued promise to follow this path.

You know the state of the Church and that Jesus Christ, My Son, in My little one, I must repeat it again and again, the New Church suffers and re-founds in full glory. It will be created! The New Priesthood will also be established, and also this my son Jesus Christ will have to suffer in my little one.

Why, my beloved ones? What did the chief shepherd, who was to set a good example for you, do? Did he stand up for this My Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? No! He betrayed her. He did not proclaim them before all religions. He did not announce this way of truth, this only way. My beloved ones, there is no second way, there is only one, which I have preceded you in My Son Jesus Christ. He went to the cross for all. He has redeemed all. And how often would I like to repeat it for you: This difficult way, which you cannot understand, He walked as an innocent lamb and people do not believe Him. One mocks Him by mocking you. One slanders him and says evil after him. You are not a sect, as you are called; on the contrary, you embody the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in its entirety. Nothing goes wrong with you, because I, the heavenly Father, continue to show you this difficult path, and you walk it in its entirety. You do not desire, because in your heart is Love, Divine Love. You rejoice in this house of glory, which is My house. You inhabit it. Many people will now understand that there must be a House of Glory, that I, the Heavenly Father, must now reveal My new plan. Not gladly and full of grief I tell you this. I reveal to you the New Church.

And you, my little one, are suffering. You suffer the New Church through My Son who suffers in you and you continue to declare yourself ready. You tell Me again and again, when I ask you, your ready yes. And no matter how hard you find it, you will never say no again. You promised me that. Yes, you are still My Cue Ball. Through you and through you I will save many souls that are in confusion. I will draw them up through you into the true faith, - into the truth. They are not to go astray because your dearest mother implores me to save these souls through you. She is the queen of the priests, but how many priests are on the wrong track today. And that hurts My Heavenly Mother very much. As you know, in many places she cries not only tears, but even tears of blood.

And yet people do not wake up from this sleep of death. Why do they not rise up against this church, because they want to be comfortable, because they are not victims, because they are not lovers. They are in the world and love the mundane. And you, my beloved believers, my beloved followers and small flock, you live the true faith, you give up the worldly. You live in the world, but you are not of the world.

And that is why I love you and tell you today on this feast day of All Saints an eternal reward from God, because you are faithful to the faith and you would proclaim this faith in every situation. You do not give up. You hold out until the end, until I call you, because your path in holiness has been taken in its entirety. Love one another as I have loved you, and above all pray for your enemies, for there are many of them.

And now I want to dismiss you. I want to bless, love, protect and send you into this New Catholic Church which will be founded in you, My little one and in you, My little flock, who are left and live the full faith in the whole and who will endure all My sufferings because they say 'Yes Father' to Me. For this I thank you and love you the more.

And now I bless you with My dearest Mother, with all the hosts of angels, with all the saints in heaven in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen. You are loved and you are loved from eternity! Be brave! Become more courageous and believe in the Trinity, in the true Catholic faith and stand up for it in every situation and should it also cost your life! Amen.

Mary with the Child love us all and give us your blessing. Amen. Praised be Jesus, Mary and Joseph forever and ever. Amen. Praise be to Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar from now and forever. Amen.


