Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, September 30, 2011

Apparitions above the house and the house chapel in Mellatz at 20.00

Saint Joseph speaks through Anne. She receives the message in the garden of the House of Glory.


The Blessed Mother appears. It is beautiful to look at. Now comes St. Joseph and behind him as third the holy archangel Michael. Again I see the star, but without the tail. Now angels come from all directions. They move from the left, they move from the right, they move from the top to the middle over the house church into the garden of the house in Mellatz. That's where they are now. And the Blessed Mother with St. Joseph and the archangel Michael now also appear above this house chapel.

Today the month of angels is over. Therefore the angels from all three directions move to the center and group themselves first of all over the house chapel here in Mellatz and additionally also around the Blessed Mother, around Saint Joseph and around the archangel Michael, who had his great feast yesterday.

Now at this moment the Bridegroom of the Mother of God, Saint Joseph, says: My beloved children, I may speak to you today as Bridegroom of the Mother of God and as Patron of the New Church to you through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.

Yes, My beloved ones, today is the fifth day when My little one sees in your garden apparitions which she faithfully transmits to you every evening at 8:00 p.m.

My beloved children, yes, I would like to watch over the Church of Atonement with My beloved bride, the Mother of God. Unfortunately, We are not allowed to appear there, because the evil one still reigns there. Several times this week you, my little one, have seen these devils dance. But through your daily atonement you will be able to prevent many things and through the exorcised holy water.

Thank you, beloved little flock and followers, for taking everything upon yourselves to drive away the evil one there. Daily at 15.00 o'clock you come to the mercy hour in the mercy chapel. You have worshipped Me for a long time. I am happy that I can appear here at this new place in Mellatz and that I am even allowed to speak today.

My beloved children, I am so grateful that you are following Our Lady and consecrating these priests in Wigratzbad by name daily to the Heart of the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory. Yes, she is also the Queen and she will triumph with you, My beloved ones. Isn't it a great gift from the Heavenly Father that you can experience this here in this new place in Mellatz, the House of Glory? You, my little flock, do not see these events in heaven, but they are described to you daily. And you, My Catherine, will put it down on paper. It is not easy to keep you ready for it every day, but, My beloved ones, it is necessary. Here in Mellatz many things are still to happen. Hence this house of glory. Very soon you will get this relief even before you expect it.

Thank you, dear Saint Joseph, for taking care of everything, - even the carving. Yes, we are so thankful, beloved Saint Joseph, that we are allowed to live here, that after the difficult five years there in Göritz we are allowed to live in our own house, which is the house of the Heavenly Father. Everything was arranged. We cannot believe it, because we are the presentees. Thank you for your contribution, beloved Saint Joseph and Bridegroom of the Blessed Mother.

Saint Joseph continues: And now, My beloved ones, I will bless you in the Trinity with all the angels. You will see them, My little one. They will all kneel down and bless you, because the many angels will also help you to persevere, that you will not give up, often lie in despair, but will never let go. Saint Joseph would like to thank you for this and ask you to continue on this difficult path with all its consequences, with all persecutions and also with all hostility and mockery.

On Sunday a difficult road awaits you, My beloved little one, but you will survive everything, you will not become weak, although this is very unpleasant for you humanly. The human is not taken from you. You will always have fears, but I, Saint Joseph, may accompany and support you. I bless you now in the Trinity with all the angels and saints and with the Mother of God, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen. Now first St. Joseph goes because he has spoken. Then comes the Blessed Mother and the Holy Archangel Michael. They move to the right and become smaller and smaller. Even the luminous circle around it loses its radiance. That was the Divine Circle of Light. They are hardly visible. Thank you, thank you! Now they are no longer visible.


