Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Patron saint festival of the holy archangel Michael; also patron of the house church in Göttingen.

The Holy Archangel Michael speaks for the first time after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in the House of Glory through Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Of course, St. Michael the Archangel was most intensely illuminated today in gold and also in glistening white light. Its rays flooded in all directions. The statue of the Sacred Heart and the Mother of God were both bathed in bright light and the dark red rose bouquet and the two bouquets of flowers sparkled during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus again. The Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory of Wigratzbad, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, St. Joseph and St. Padre Pio were bathed in a bright light.

For the first time today, St. Michael the Archangel himself will speak to us. This is a great event: I, St. Archangel Michael, am speaking today, on My feast, September 29th, after the Holy Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar through you, My beloved little one, you who lie entirely in truth and repeat only words that come from Me today, because you lie entirely in humility. You have already transferred your will to the heavenly Father.

My beloved little flock, My beloved believers, My beloved followers of Jesus Christ, today is a special feast for you, My beloved little flock, because you have chosen Me as Patron of your domestic church in Göttingen. That is why today this house chapel in Mellatz and the house church in Göttingen are closely connected. My dear little daughter Dorothea watches over there. She has given herself completely into this Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

What a great feast, My beloved ones. You My little one have seen Me as I have today especially struck My sword in all four directions to keep evil away from you again and again.

Yes, My beloved ones, daily I will appear with the dear Mother of God above this house in Mellatz. The dear Blessed Mother will speak and I too may speak. You will hear Me, My beloved little one and repeat My words to be put on the Internet. It is not every evening that the Blessed Mother will give you an intercession. No, she will appear with Her Bridegroom, St. Joseph, and with Me, for this is the preparation in this house of glory for the Church of Atonement. The evil one still reigns there. But you, my beloved little flock, go the atonement daily and you also come to me. I thank you that I am included in this atonement. Every day at 15.00 o'clock you pray the rosary of mercy there and hold the hour of atonement.

My beloved ones, how important is prayer. How important it is to make atonement for these many sacrileges of the clergy, the episcopate and the curia. Yes, My beloved ones, how many times have I been there and wanted to ward off evil, but evil was not refused. That is why I could not go into their hearts.

Our dearest Mother of God, your Mother and also My Mother, implores Me again and again from heaven, so that I may protect all and save all from evil when they fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father in its entirety. In its entirety, as it is said by the heavenly father. One cannot do only one thing and leave the other, but if one wants to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father, one must do it in its entirety. The Heavenly Father has abundant gifts for all who fulfill His will and plan. How often he gives you his will, and yet so many fall away.

The apostasy is growing, My beloved ones. You see it. The churches become emptier, because the Protestants' meal celebration is held there. Besides, hand communion, the worst evil, is also distributed there. This is a grave offense, My beloved ones. Is it possible to receive this Holy Communion, Jesus Christ with divinity and humanity, in the hand and bring it to the mouth yourself? May not only a holy priest who also celebrates the Sacrificial Mass do this? Can the same thing happen in the meal fellowship of the Protestants who today hold their meal celebration in the Catholic Church and think that this is the Holy Sacrificial Feast? They are lost and confused. They do not even recognize the holy of holies. They do not worship Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament as you have done again today, My beloved little flock and you My followers.

How I love to fight for you and I will continue to do so, because I love you and I want to lead you all to the Blessed Mother ultimately to the Heavenly Father. Therefore I keep evil away from you. I will also argue in Wigratzbad, My beloved little one. When you see Satan dancing, do not develop human fears, because I stand beside you and will keep this evil from you and drive Satan away. From heaven I have received this power.

I would like to thank you for choosing me as patron of the house church in Göttingen. A little bit you regret that you are not allowed to be at this place today. But since both, church and chapel, are connected with each other, you do not miss anything. I am here, the fighter in this fight.

And so today the Holy Archangel Michael in the Trinity blesses you with the most beloved Mother of God, with all the angels and all the saints, especially with your beloved Padre Pio, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain loyal to heaven and remain loyal to me so that I may continue to protect you in this fight. Amen.


