Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fourth Sunday of Lent. Lätare or Happy Sunday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar, especially the altar of Mary, was surrounded by angels. The flowers sparkled. St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother were full of joy. The holy archangel Michael looked down on us lovingly.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak again today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is My flower of suffering and passion. She is completely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock, My believers from near and far who want to follow My Son Jesus Christ completely, I greet them all on this day of joy.

Yes, you may rejoice, My beloved ones. Today, on this day, half of Lent is over. You have bravely endured. And I thank you all for the many sacrifices and for the many prayers that you have given Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

What does Lätare mean, My beloved ones? Can you rejoice today as this church is increasingly exposed to destruction? Yes, My beloved ones, you may rejoice! Why are you allowed to rejoice? Because you again and again bring joy to me, the heavenly Father, because you are my father children and I want to rejoice with you on this day. Also My mother will be happy about you and She also wants to thank you for the many prayers and your perseverance.

Yes, joy and suffering belong together. They are inseparable. Through joy your inner life is rebuilt. Sadness should not overwhelm you so that you can no longer rejoice. Am I not your dearest and kind Father, who looks down on you in patience when you make mistakes, because you are imperfect and also sinners. Therefore, during this Lent, come to the Holy Sacrament of Penance. All will be forgiven there.

My beloved children, with whom can you confess today? With whom? I have opened up a possibility for you: Come to Me, your Heavenly Father, and tell Me everything! Confess your guilt to Me, your dearest and most understanding Father. Through My priestly son, whom I have chosen for this purpose, I want to grant you forgiveness by telephone. This is a great gift, My beloved ones, for how often you are rejected in these modernist confessions. People no longer understand you. You may no longer speak out about the path of holiness you have taken and want to follow. You are ridiculed, even rejected. But I, the Heavenly Father, look upon you with joy, especially on this day. I know how you suffer.

How often are you standing under the cross with My dearest Mother during this Lent. But you will be strengthened in this time. Didn't My dearest Mother have to experience the heaviest suffering on the Way of the Cross of My beloved Son, who let Himself be crucified for all men? Did He not want to attract all men to Himself? But how few follow him today, and how few follow my truth, my words, my instructions and prophecies, which I utter through my little one. These messages go out into the world because I want to save them. How many people no longer want to believe. They do not want to accept anything concerning the supernature. In and through the supernatural you can experience miracles. Was not this multiplication of bread today a great miracle that Jesus, My Son, worked visibly? Could one say to this: "This came into being by itself, this can be explained? No, My beloved ones. You cannot explain the supernatural miracles. Often you will not understand them at all, because I work miracles of grace in men, miracles of conversion. You will certainly not understand which people I choose and which people I touch with My Divine Power. They will be touched by my love, which my mother will also pour out on them.

How many atonement souls have I appointed How many messengers are there in the whole world, and these messengers suffer. They suffer for the world. They suffer for My Son Jesus Christ, who wants to found His New Church and will suffer it before in My little one. Can this be explained, My beloved ones? Can you fathom this? Can the sufferings in My little ones, which include the New Priesthood, be fathomed? My son suffers in her, My little one. And one day the New Priesthood will be established, namely when their sufferings are over. Yes, she is still My special flower of suffering and passion. It is difficult today for all of you, My beloved ones, to accept these sufferings.

As you know, this church is in complete chaos. People get confused, but they are looking for the truth. And where do they find them? Do they find the truth in their shepherds, in the chief shepherds and in the chief shepherd? Is there the full truth announced, lived and witnessed, as I desire according to my plan? No!

May one celebrate My Only, Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite today? Aren't you immediately despised and ridiculed by these modernist priests? It is My only, Holy Sacrificial Meal, which My Son Jesus Christ Himself instituted. Do you still want to despise this? Do you still not know that there the graces flow in full streams?

This day is also called Rose Sunday. Roses of grace My dearest Mother wants to pour out on you because She loves you and because She wants to lead you to My Son Jesus Christ through this Holy Sacrifice of Mass, which you, My beloved ones, have celebrated today in full awe, in full love. There is inwardness, holiness. Everything lives there. And your hearts are touched, deeply touched by this great mystery. It is the biggest secret that happens there! And the multiplication of bread today, this miracle, does not it also have to do with this mystery? Do you not receive the bread of life over and over again? In the smallest piece of Host My Son is fully present with Godhead and mankind. Can you understand that? Would you like to explore this?

Does He not have the right to go out of these tabernacles where He, My beloved Son of God, is despised, where He is mocked by many sacrileges that modernist priests still commit today? Could your dearest Heavenly Father look at this even longer, that even this meal fellowship of the Protestants is today to be mixed, wants to unite with the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ? How bad it is for your Heavenly Father to learn this from my clergy. These are my shepherds, who are to proclaim, teach, live, love and testify to the truth. Do they still do it today? Do they believe in this great mystery, in this transformation? Can this transformation also happen in their hands in a Protestant meal community? It is not possible, My beloved ones. Please understand that I want to lead you all to My Son, to the Holy Sacrificial Feast. He is waiting for you, because He loves you, He wants to draw you to Himself in the greatest love. He wants to present you with Holy Communion, with this Holy Sacrament. It is he himself who unites with your hearts. You become one with Him, with divinity. Is this to be understood, My beloved ones? Can one grasp this from the mind in this theology? Is it possible to fathom this? No! It is and remains a big secret. Also in your hearts a transformation is taking place: Jesus Christ is returning. You feel in your heart that something is happening there, that you are no longer alone, especially not in this struggle of today. You are the presentees.

I love you more and more, you who want to persevere, you who believe and are ready to give yourselves completely, you who climb higher and higher to the mountain Golgotha up to the top. Even if it becomes more difficult, you do not say no to your dearest Heavenly Father, but a ready yes: "Yes, Father, I am ready to go with you and believe in you and love you and worship you and want to be with you all days. Because one day we all want to be united with the sky in full glory. We want to experience this great wedding feast. It is the greatest thing we can achieve on this earth. This is our way." And that is the truth. And do not move away from this full truth. Do not be dissuaded, for the wicked one walks around like a roaring lion.

But My Church, which My Son Jesus Christ founded, will never perish. The gates of hell will not overwhelm them, even if they are attacked in the highest degree, in the highest malice. Even then the church will never go under.

Love and unite in prayer! Become strong and courageous and believe more deeply and inwardly in the Trinity of God, in the whole heaven, in the streams of grace that your Heavenly Mother, especially today on this day, is pouring out on you!

Now the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, with your Heavenly Mother and all the angels and saints, your Bridegroom, Saint Joseph, with Saint Padre Pio, blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love one another as I have loved you! Persevere in suffering and the cross, for through this suffering salvation is prepared for you all! Amen.


