Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Second Sunday of Lent.

The Heavenly Father speaks moving words through His instrument and daughter Anne after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Before and during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the altar of Mary was bathed in very bright light, as were St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel and especially the Father Symbol, the Tabernacle and the Holy Spirit. From all four cardinal points the angels came again, floating, kneeling and adoring.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on this second Sunday of Lent through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in My will and speaks only words of heaven, today the words that come from Me. Nothing is out of her, My beloved ones. She repeats everything and obeys heaven completely, because she has transferred her will to Me, the Heavenly Father.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock and My beloved believers from near and far, you who want to follow My Son Jesus Christ in holiness and have walked the difficult path and you who have the firm will to continue on this path. Yes, this path is getting stonier and harder. I have often prophesied it to you, but you did not believe it would be as difficult as it is now.

Have I not also prophesied to you that the wicked one shows himself more and more to men and goes into men to guide and direct them. As I also guide you, My beloved Father children and Mary's children, so also the evil one guides these human children who have devoted themselves to evil.

What does it mean, my beloved ones, as it is written in the reading today: Striving for holiness? Can you ever become holy with your own will and with your own power? No! Divine grace is given to you when you take this path and when you put your own will back. Your own will is strong and often you do not do the good, often you do not have the strength to stop the evil and do the good. Scream to the sky! Call all saints! Call your dearest Heavenly Mother! She will put the angels at your side. Great hosts of angels will protect you from evil and especially your beloved Holy Archangel Michael. Pray the exorcism often! That is important in this time.

My beloved believers, do you not know and do you not recognize that many people today are led and possessed by evil? Are there exorcists today who are appointed, elected and trained by the bishops? No, My beloved ones, they do not exist! That is why I have chosen My beloved priestly son here in Göttingen as exorcists. He himself has sworn the oath of anti-modernism, and he has been appointed exorcist and has taken this consecration. He is therefore validly consecrated to pray this exorcism over these possessed people. He has therefore been able to help many people - not through himself, my beloved, but through my power. I myself free people from evil as it is written in the Bible.

Did not My Son Jesus Christ cast out many demons? Have not many fallen forward on her face, My beloved ones? Is it right to fall backwards? Is that possible, then, to have the Holy Spirit within you? The reverence, My beloved ones, the reverence is missing.

My beloved little one falls forward on her face during each Holy Communion in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice! That is holiness! This is ecstasy! This is my will, beloved believers!

Why don't you believe that this is from evil, if you still attend this retreat? A mass hypnosis is performed. Have lasting healings ever taken place there? No! People were healed only temporarily - very briefly - because the evil one can also work miracles. But these miracles are short-lived.

Through you, My little one, I have already worked several miracles because you have given Me your will. I can work in you as I want and as I wish. have I not also worked several miracles through you, My beloved priestly Son, I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity? And are these people still cured of their diseases? Yes! They want to dispute it with you. One does not want to acknowledge these miracles as it was already then with My Son Jesus Christ.

Also His miracles were not recognized, - on the contrary. He was enemied despite his many visible wonders, my beloved ones. The sick were healed. Demons were cast out and many miracles happened. And yet He was nailed to the Cross because of all your sins, because the wicked one entered into men. They scourged Him and crowned Him with thorns. He had to carry the heavy cross up to the mountain Golgotha under unspeakable pain. Only in the deity and with divine power could this happen. He was not only man, but in Him the Godhead worked. And everything is in the Bible, My beloved ones, above all My beloved sons of priests.

Was not Christ also persecuted, My sons of priests, as you persecute His messengers today? Did He not suffer inhumanly? Today you deal this mortal blow to my messengers. And yet you do not learn from the Bible and believe that you live by the Bible. You have the Bible and that is all for you.

Isn't the Bible full of mysticism? It is a single mysticism. The Holy Sacrificial Feast: How does it take place? In mysticism! In the mystery of Jesus Christ! Can you measure this, My beloved sons of priests, especially My beloved Pius brotherhood, whom you My messengers still persecute so strongly today, - publicly. And you take nothing back! You do not stop learning!

I wanted to choose you for the New Church. But you do not believe and do not perform mysticism. Who will take you then? The Evil One. He has power over you and he exercises it, because wickedness surrounds you. Maliciously you proceed against my messengers, my chosen ones, especially publicly against my little one whom I have chosen as messenger to proclaim my words and my truths. Publicly you continue to take precedence. This is grave sin against the Holy Spirit. And you want to continue lying in the truth? You want to continue to proclaim the truth to the ends of the earth and therefore send out your priests and fathers. Is that possible? No!

The Holy Sacrificial Feast that you celebrate is valid, but nothing more, My beloved ones! Much that I desire and is in My plan is missing.

My beloved priest son, whom you also persecuted and opposed and threw out of your chapel, proclaim the full truth and live the full truth. He corresponds completely to my plan and my will. And as you know, he accompanies my messenger, whom I have chosen, as a spiritual guide. Not she herself has chosen, but I have chosen her and I have given her Divine power, this way, this stony path, to continue to walk with her small flock, her small herd. Would it be possible with their own strength to bravely endure all these hostilities and courageously continue on the path? These many messages will be published on the Internet as I wish because they are to reach to the ends of the earth because my truths are announced in them.

My time is not yet here, that I will let My great event come. I myself determine this time and no one else will know when this happens, not even My little messenger, - no one. Do not ask when My time is fulfilled. I will reveal to you all that you need to know to protect you and keep you from evil. Powerfully he takes action against my chosen ones, but I guide and direct them and my dearest mother protects them from all evil. The evil one wants to penetrate into them and keep them away. But I will not allow it. It is not in My permission that you, My little one, should ever stray from My truth, even if one wants to continue to destroy you mentally and physically.

Everything is providence, my little one. Accept it as I wish. Continue to accept this atonement because you must atone for many, many priests who do not want to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast, even though it is to be celebrated throughout the world in the Tridentine Rite, even though according to Motu Proprio the Supreme Shepherd has passed this on to all the bishops and who continue to be in disobedience. This disobedience they blame on my shepherds, who lie in the truth and carry out the true.

My beloved ones, today this Sunday you heard in the Gospel that Jesus Christ proved His divinity to His three beloved apostles in the Transfiguration, and they fell on their faces in great awe and they believed and they only wanted to continue on this path.

Also you, My beloved ones, will see many signs in the sky that prove My divinity. In you, My beloved little flock and around you, true miracles will happen. And these miracles will be lasting because I will work miracles through you. You cannot wish them. This is not possible. Everything lies in My Divine Wisdom and Providence.

And so I send you today in Divine Love to continue to fulfill My plan and My will. Do not give way in love, in constant obedience and faithfulness. I love you and bless you now in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. My Heavenly Mother continues to guide, direct and form you in Divine Love.


