Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 6, 2011


The Mother of God and the Heavenly Father speak after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the domestic church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the prayer of the rosary, the altar of Mary in particular was brightly illuminated. The angelic crowds were grouped around the Blessed Mother, St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joseph. The baby Jesus shone in golden light. The stars on His dress were bathed in dark red light. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus and St. Padre Pio was also brightly illuminated.

Now Our Lady will first of all respond to yesterday's day of the Cenacle: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats words from heaven and cultivates total devotion. She has transferred her will to the Heavenly Father. And this is what I, as the Heavenly Mother, want to talk about today.

My beloved little one, yesterday I, your Heavenly Mother, could not speak because you were not receptive. You did not know why. But your Heavenly Mother will give you the explanation today.

Yesterday, My beloved little flock, you celebrated the Cenacle in this Holy House Church, - My Cenacle and that is why I was among you and sent you the Holy Spirit.

Yes, My beloved little one, yesterday it was about the Lawn Cross prayer group. It hurt you very much that five chosen ones from this prayer group said their complete No to the Heavenly Father. You could not understand and could not comprehend it, for you clearly and distinctly communicated the requirements of the Heavenly Father to these chosen ones in all consistency. They were completely enlightened by the will and plan of the Heavenly Father regarding the lawn cross in Meggen.

And yet, My beloved little flock, five chosen ones fell away. That hurts. This has caused you special pain, My beloved daughter. You have sought all the blame on yourself. You thought you had missed something, you thought you had not enlightened them enough, or in the meantime you had not informed them about the Sacrament of Penance. No, My beloved little one, this does not correspond to the truth because you have done everything to fulfill the plan and will of the Heavenly Father.

My son Jesus Christ suffered great torment in your heart yesterday because of these five chosen ones of the elite group of the Lawn Cross prayer group. 37 persons, my beloved small flock, are now left, who have agreed to fulfill the plan and will of the Heavenly Father completely and consistently. They are willing to sacrifice everything. They are ready to radiate love over other people and out of love they want to do and obey everything, just as the Heavenly Father desires.

But to the five others, they too were chosen, I, as Mother of the Church, as the Heavenly Mother, want to make known to you, this pain they have inflicted on the Heavenly Father is immeasurably great. That is why He says to them, "Get away from Me, for I do not know you! You were not ready, as the chosen ones, as the elite, to fulfill my wish and will.

That is sad, My beloved little flock. I, your mother, watch over this grass cross prayer group and suffer with you, even if you have to suffer. Don't be sad, because very soon this group will be increased to 42 people, because the Heavenly Father will choose others anew.

Your Heavenly Mother watches over everything. She sees everything and she wants you to continue to obey the full plan of heaven, namely your Heavenly Father. Furthermore He waits for your full readiness. So far you have fulfilled his plan in its entirety, - in its entirety. What this means is that you have continued to live total surrender. You have done everything out of love. All sacrifices made. The many atonement sacrifices.

And you, My little one, are the flower of suffering of My Son Jesus Christ, whom He has chosen to experience His suffering - to experience in your heart how your predecessor Maria Sieler did it to be able to found the new priesthood and the new Holy Church. This means sacrifice, atonement, love in the highest degree, and you give it to the Heavenly Father, my beloved Mary's children. Do I, as Heavenly Mother, not watch over you again and again? Do I not make you, as a mother, aware of your imperfections? Am I not the Immaculate Received? You are imperfect and burdened by original sin. That is why I want to take you all under my cloak to protect you completely from evil. As you know, this evil one walks around like a roaring lion.

I don't wish you to go to Heroldsbach for night worship on the next 12th, Saturday. No, the Evil One walks around there and wants to devour all he can get, who are willing to put the plan of the Heavenly Father on the side to obey the Evil One.

Be ready and atone from March 12 to 13 in this house church. And to you, my little one, I would like to say that you will have to take on heavy sufferings this night because the heavenly plan wants it that way. The Heavenly Father will protect you and also strengthen you. Do not be sad about this compassion that you give to My Son in your heart. Continue to be ready to completely transfer your will to him.

Yes, my little one, you have become the plaything of the Heavenly Father. What this means, you had to experience especially this week. Often you did not know one more. But you have mastered everything. And why? Because the Heavenly Father has guided and directed you, and because He has transmitted the Divine Power to you again and again. You did not work in your power, but in divine power. You were often at the end, close to powerlessness. Then your Heavenly Father came and strengthened you. The Holy Angels were gathered around you and supported you because I, your Heavenly Mother and your Heavenly Mother put them by your side. And I will continue to do so if you are in great danger. You will not give up! You will be hostile just as My Son Jesus Christ was hostile and persecuted. Did people believe back then? Did the apostles believe when Jesus Christ was among them and made it known to them - all His suffering? No, they did not understand it because they were not prepared to suffer and sacrifice to the highest degree.

From you, My little one, I demand very much, namely, compassion for the redeemer death of My Son Jesus Christ. And now, My beloved little one, I would like to give the Heavenly Father the word for today's Sunday. I love you and I thank you for coming again and again to My Cenacle every first Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and for persevering for three hours in prayer and sacrifice. And now your dearest Mother in the Trinity blesses you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And now to today:.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on this Sunday Quinquagesima through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in My will and only speaks My words of truth. She is completely devoted in My Will and will shout My words out into the whole world through My Internet as I desire and as it is included in My Plan.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock, My faithful, My chosen ones of the grass cross group, remain steadfast, remain courageous and strong and resist the evil one, because very powerfully he wants to seduce you, to hold you back from this My grass cross which I have chosen and which belongs to Me. It is in my plan, because men are to experience there at this place that they can take their sufferings and diseases upon themselves, that they can say yes to their suffering and accept it out of love. This is My place where you can experience it. At the moment this place of grace is still in the process of purification.

I have chosen many people for this My Beloved Lawn Cross Group, as My Mother has already mentioned. It is my elite group; it is to be strong and consolidated and meet all my requirements.

As you know, this place of grace is publicly attacked by My Brotherhoods, the Brotherhood of Peter and the Brotherhood of Pius. My beloved ones, be vigilant in every situation. False prophets will appear. It is not you, My beloved ones, who are the false prophets, but you are My chosen ones because you are ready to take up the cross that I am imposing on you. It is your cross, not the cross of the other.

You are there to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast daily at the same time at 10:00 a.m. In addition, be prepared to hold adoration before the Blessed Sacrament every day from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Continue to be ready, for many shall draw from these streams of grace that flow from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite and from adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. These rays of grace pass over to them when they correspond to my wish and will.

Celebrate at home after the new DVD of My beloved priest's son in Göttingen daily the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V and not after 1962, which is not in the order according to the Holy Father John XXIII, who changed some things. That does not correspond to my truth. The Tridentine Sacrificial Banquet was already canonized by Pius V, My chosen Holy Father. And yet they changed it. This cannot be in accordance with my truth, my beloved ones. Use your intellect for once, because I love you and only want to accompany you on the straight and difficult path. All instructions I give you and all information you need.

I also pass on prophecies through My little one. She is My little nothing but My chosen one. She will never become proud because she is completely in my will as the soul of atonement, and she is ready to continue to atone for all souls that otherwise get lost, - especially for the priest souls.

For what is she still suffering, My beloved believers from near and far? She suffers for her diocese of Hildesheim. This diocese was destined to be a diocese of Mary. This chief shepherd has given me a clear no. I have made him aware of these messages that are there with him. He can read them. But he does not do it. He does not follow my plan and my will. He came up with a plan of his own by saying: "I forbid in My diocese to celebrate the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast. And yet, My beloved Shepherd, in your diocese the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated daily in the domestic church in Göttingen. You cannot forbid it because I am watching over it and because it is in My plan, you are not able to destroy it although you want to. You are hostile to my priestly son, who lies in my will, and who has spoken with you. Hast thou not known it, this truth that came out of his mouth? He was willing to be suspended and excommunicated if he was no longer allowed to accompany this soul of atonement. And you were not ready to receive this atoning soul, this chosen one. You would have experienced what this soul is capable of.

She is capable of suffering for the entire diocese, which is in disbelief and misbelief, in order to save it, the many parishes, all of which are not ready to accept and celebrate the Tridentine Sacrificial Feast. On the contrary, all churches are kept closed for My beloved priestly son. "With us there is no such thing," you say, My beloved head shepherd. Are you aware of this responsibility, which you are not fulfilling? Do you know what you're doing? You will appear once before the eternal judge. What then will you say when He asks you, "What have you done, My beloved son of the priest and chief shepherd? Have you followed My Plan? Have you made sure that your diocese is in the true faith and is taught? Then you must say a clear No to Me, because you have hindered everything that could ever be hindered. But you could not wipe out my plan and will. It is still My Plan. And this Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass has been taking place in this sacred house church for almost 6 years. Do you still want to ban it? Do you have the possibilities? No! You don't have it!

My little one is atoning for your outrages. For your sacrileges she is ready to continue atoning. And you, My beloved shepherd, what are you doing? You blaspheme, you enemy them, you spread the erroneous belief, you confuse men who believe in the messages of my little one, which I give her.

Also you, My beloved Pius and Peter brothers, also you do not believe in these messages. On the contrary, you are hostile to them and publicly spread that they do not correspond to the truth, that they should even be burned and destroyed. Once, My beloved brotherhoods, you must answer for this before Me. Can you do that when I call for the last hour? Repent and turn back! Once again I tell you: Repent and turn back!

The hour will come quite soon that my event will take place. My dearest mother will appear in the sky at My beloved place of pilgrimage Wigratzbad. My beloved chief shepherd, will you be able to prevent this if I so wish? And the Cross, My beloved ones, the Dozulé Cross will be seen in the whole world, - enlightened. All have the opportunity once again to repent under this cross and recognize their guilt.

And what does My Lawn Cross mean? This is also a chance for all of you. Come after cleaning and visit this lawn cross in Meggen. It is still hindered. But My plan will come true, My beloved ones, My beloved little flock. You are struggling and also the whole prayer group I have chosen is atoning and praying for the wicked deeds that continue to take place.

Yes, my beloved ones, what begins today? The 40-hour prayer. Does anyone still pray on these three days: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday? Do you still realize what this means? This means to expiate these iniquities that are committed all over the world on these three days, and to offer Me, the Heavenly Father, your prayer and expiation, and to make yourselves available so that your Heavenly Father may receive this consolation from you? Nowhere, My beloved ones, do I find comfort in these three days. But you pray four hours a day and you divide these hours before the Blessed Sacrament. At least each of you should be ready to atone for two hours a day. I thank you for this readiness to comply with my wish and will.

Through My beloved little flock I make known to you the full truth and the instructions. Pay close attention to these words, especially in this last time of tribulation and persecution. Evil is cunning, My beloved. Quite soon you will know. But you, my little one, continue to accompany these two persons day and night because they take on such heavy burdens for me, because they want to lie completely in my will, but they will be hostile and despised from all sides, because of their faith. And only you, my little one, will be able to raise them up, because I want it so. Love them! Love the whole family!

And my little Monika, I don't want to mention the name of the family yet. The time is not there yet. But quite soon you will triumph over this success, because I show my omnipotence and omnipotence in this family. And nothing will happen to her. The evil one will have to give way.

And now, My beloved ones, be brave, be courageous, live love, because love is the greatest thing, as you have experienced today in the reading. You shall give everything for love. Believe and hope and love! Among these virtues, love is the greatest. Love of God and love of neighbor belong together. Many people forget this today. Have the fear of God and not the fear of men, then I can lead and guide you, and you will safely reach the shore of truth in this my new church.

In conclusion, your beloved Heavenly Father in the Trinity wishes to bless you fully in triple power, with all angels and saints, especially with My beloved Heavenly Mother and Her Bridegroom, St. Joseph, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved and will be loved from eternity! Fulfill My plan and wish, as I want it! You remain in complete divine strength! Amen.


