Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrate the fifth Sunday after the apparition. Again, large crowds of angels from all four directions entered this house church. The father symbol was especially brightly lit and the rays flooded the whole room. The entire altar of Mary was also bathed in a glistening light. Golden and silver rays emanated from the Mother of God.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved father children, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved little flock and little herd, how I love you today on this day. I want to give you instructions, strength and comfort for the coming time and also for the coming week. You are exposed to many things, for the wicked man is cunning and wants to keep you from these messages and instructions. I have sown everything on fertile ground, namely the wheat. This wheat should bear fruit. But, My beloved ones, has not also the wicked one sowed the tares in between? Should you, My beloved ones, take off these weeds? No, you should let it grow. Leave the people as they are.

As you know, many do not believe in My prophecies and messages. You do not want to. But you meet them with love, kindness and gentleness. You are faithful and remain faithful to my words. You remain in the truth. Not one step do you deviate from these truths because you are deeply convinced that I, the Heavenly Father, am sending these messages into the world through My Internet. Nothing can dissuade you from these truths. The wicked man is indeed powerful and wants to turn you away, but you are safe in the Father's will. You recognize the wicked one. You have the gift of discernment and you are surrounded by My Heavenly Mother, the Queen and Mother of Victory, protected and caring. She watches over all your steps and protects you from evil. The angels send them down to you in these difficult times, in this crisis of the entire clergy.

My beloved ones, I too do not pull out these weeds. Also I let it grow. I still give them chances to turn back. Again and again there are new possibilities for them to get away from evil. I have a great patience with them. Have this patience too. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and kind from the heart and I form your heart after My heart.

These your hearts are united with My Divine Heart because you receive My Son daily in Holy Communion. Your hearts will be connected over and over again with Divinity, that is, with Divine Strength and Love. This love grows within you. You are to pass them on so that people will recognize that you are special. You are not world children and earth children in the sense that the others are, but you are children of God. Your hearts lead to the light. Everything becomes light in you because you let love flow in, because it is very important to you to pass on this love, so that others can also be saved and experience this light, the Divine Light. It is important to you to save souls. That is why you atone and sacrifice for these men who do not want to believe, who continue to remain in untruth and are in delusion and also do not go out. You cannot convince them of this my truth. Empty and dead are their souls, because the shepherds leave them in delusional belief and, in addition, still promote this delusional belief. More and more and more deeply this unbelief goes into them as the Divine Power grows in you, - thus the opposite.

But you do not let up in atonement. You see this crisis in the present time. You look on unbelief and you are sad with Me, the Heavenly Father. It weeps in your hearts because you want to save others and they do not want to listen to these words, to these truths. They love life, they even love sin and perish in it.

Could you not say, My beloved father children, it is useless. I will atone no more. It is all for nothing. No, My beloved ones, you do not say this because you are children of God. You live on hope. "All will be well again," you say to Me, the Heavenly Father, "for You, dear Father, will allow ailments and diseases. We are allowed to endure everything so that these outrages are atoned for." These sacrileges of the priests must be expiated. These are grave sins against the Holy Spirit, against the Trinity. They are consecrated ones, they are my messengers, who commit these iniquities. Therefore, my beloved ones, your suffering is so very great.

In you today, My beloved little one, it is crying with sorrow and sadness. You see how your Heavenly Father weeps, how the Son of God weeps in your heart and how he suffers. And yet He wants to lead more and more people to the truth. He will found this church of truth anew and suffer anew in you, my little one. Hang in there! Right now you are suffering a lot. But you say again and again, "yes, dear Father for you, for your souls, for your longing for these souls is growing ever more. You want to save them from destruction and I, dear Heavenly Father, will contribute to this with my ready Yes and with the suffering within me. I want to take the pain upon myself. How much I would like to participate in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the house church. This lying in bed is a sacrifice for me, but this sacrifice is worth it to me, beloved Heavenly Father, if you can save souls by doing so. Above all, save the souls of priests who stand at the precipice, lest they all fall into the eternal fire. That is why I suffer. Therefore, beloved Heavenly Father, I show you again my readiness. Accept my atonement for these priests and consecrated persons. Accept also my sacrifice for this chief shepherd and for the chief shepherds who urgently need atonement. Their unbelief and their outrages are increasing.

That is why My son suffers in you, beloved little one. Yes, it is sad for you and for you, My beloved ones, who follow My Son in truth. You want to see the fruit. The fruits, where are they? You can say, "We see nothing. We see no repentance among the chief shepherds and shepherds". And yet, my beloved ones, this yes in your hearts again and again ascends to your Father because you are ready, because you do not give up, because you forgive, because you do not stop wanting to atone.

I thank you, My beloved ones, at the end of this message, for giving Me so readily your yes of heart. The love will flow deeper from your beloved Heavenly Father into your hearts out of gratitude. You are there for my comfort and love. I know that you love Me, My children. You prove it to me again and again and look at my heart, which burns full of love, and you let your hearts be inflamed. They should become a flame of love. This is also what your dearest Heavenly Mama wants from you. She also ignites your hearts as the bride of the Holy Spirit. Let the love flames shine.

You, my little one, saw this candle burning in your hospital room today, very brightly lit. Three times I have shown you this miracle so that you may continue, so that you may not give up, so that you may be supported in your suffering.

I love you all boundlessly My beloved children of the Father, who always come to Me, the Heavenly Father, and now also want to make your confessions to Me.

I am looking for holy priests who do My will completely, who cultivate total devotion, and I do not find them. Where are they, these priests? You are surrounded by a holy priest, a sacrificial priest, and you cannot imagine what it is like when no other sacrificial priest is willing to celebrate this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass all alone, only this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite, and besides, no modernist meal fellowship. Thus the Tridentine Sacrificial Feast is no longer valid. You cannot do both, My beloved sons of priests. You must decide for the true sacrificial banquet in the Tridentine rite. Then celebrate only this, because only in this sacrificial banquet can you renew the sacrifice of the Cross at the altar of sacrifice, and in your hands My Son is transformed into His flesh and blood, - in your blessed hands, My beloved sons of priests. So much you are worth to me that I have given you this power. And I want to have it from all who are willing to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast. How much I long for sacrificial priests and cannot find them. Suffer with Me, beloved father children.

I take leave of you now this Sunday and bless you in threefold power, in threefold love with all the angels and saints, with My dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved immeasurably, My beloved children of the Father, who want to follow My Son Jesus Christ today! Amen.


