Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göritz in Allgäu through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The angels floated in large flocks from the house chapel to the sickroom and back. Today they were all dressed in white robes and had little crowns on their heads. The statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus shone in bright glow today. The Savior was very serious and blessed us. His heart shone in dark red, light red and silver. The Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach and St. Joseph were also brightly illuminated. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus again. The angels adored the holy of holies in great reverence.

Our Lady will speak today: I, the Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory, will today at this Cenacle, which took place in the house chapel in Göritz, make known to you My instructions through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in the will of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and only repeats words of heaven, today My words.

My beloved children, My little flock, My little band, My children of Mary, today I want to gather you all around Me in this Cenacle. It has been celebrated in all holiness at this altar. You, My little flock, are surrounded by My protective cloak. Many angels will accompany you on this most difficult path of yours. As you all know, great streams of grace flow from these Cenacle, which are celebrated all over the world. Especially from the present Cenacle.

My beloved little band, you stand by the only, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, which My Son Jesus Christ founded on Holy Thursday. You know what the Holy Eucharist means. You will never want to fall away from it. The Holy Archangel Michael accompanies you on this path, and he will keep all evil from you. Also I, your dearest mother, will see to it that you always continue to walk this path uphill. You are on the Calvary, the last steps to the top of the mountain Golgotha.

My beloved children, what is the situation today with the Supreme Pastor of this Catholic and Apostolic Church? Does he still proclaim the full truth, he, the chief shepherd of the whole world? Do you not ask yourselves, My beloved children of Mary, is this still the truth that he proclaims? Was this Motu Proprio not proclaimed by this Holy Father? Was it the truth to proclaim this Motu Proprio? Did they follow his words, this great proclamation of the Holy Sacrificial Feast? No! - Is this not a bitter suffering for My beloved Son? Why can there not be only this one, holy, catholic sacrificial meal - the sacrificial meal of Jesus Christ? Is there anything else that could replace this sacrificial meal? It is not possible, My beloved sons of priests, My beloved Supreme Shepherd. You have proclaimed these words in truth. Have you also followed this truth? No! Today you still celebrate this meal fellowship at the popular altar. And in how many countries is this meal fellowship still celebrated today according to your example. You are a role model for the whole world! It is not possible to associate this Holy Sacrificial Feast with the meal community, - this Tridentine, One and Only, Holy Sacrificial Feast.

I wish, My beloved Supreme Shepherd, that you recant Vatican II! It is ineffective.

My sons of priests, wake up! Are you really celebrating this Holy Sacrificial Feast to the Tabernacle of My Son Jesus Christ, who instituted it Himself? Do you commune with Him? Do you look at him? Do you take Him into your midst, into your hearts? How much My Son waits for these answers that you could give Him in truth. Everything is twisted and is a lie. Why do you want to continue to be exposed to these satanic powers? Do you not sense that this holy sacrificial banquet is to be destroyed by satanic powers? Don't you feel it, - each of you personally?

I address you all, My beloved sons of priests, I, as Mother of the Church. I love you all and you are chosen by My Son. In the hour of consecration you gave Him the Yes. Never should you agree to lead this one, holy, Catholic Church astray, - to lead the herds into confusion.

There is only one faith. There is no interreligious faith. Why are you telling all the faithful, you, My Supreme Shepherd, that this interreligion is the truth, that all religions are equal, that this means unity, the unity of the Catholic Church? Why do you speak these words, which cannot be possible? And this will continue to be spread as truth and put into action. Can my dearest son still remain calm there? Does He not have to weep for this one and only church that He Himself founded? Is it not His Church that He sees lying destroyed on the ground? Has He not chosen this supreme shepherd himself? Has he not himself given him these abilities to exercise this supreme pastoral office in truth? Yes, He has given it to him in all freedom. He was not forced to teach, proclaim and spread this one and only Catholic faith. No! He is there to exemplify this faith, as a model for the whole Catholic Church of the world, the universal church. That is the only truth.

What are My sons of priests doing today at the altars of My Son? I, as a mother, weep and wait for the conversion of all the sons of priests who are mine. I have asked them all to be chosen by My Son in the Trinity. You are desired and chosen from eternity, My beloved sons of priests. Why do you not turn to the plan of the Heavenly Father, - His plan conceived from eternity? Why do you not place yourselves in His hands, in His omnipotence, in His omniscience. For it is the Heavenly Father who announces to you the truth in the Trinity. Him you shall hear! Did not My Son Jesus Christ go to His Father and ask for everything? Did He not walk this crossroads of love for all of you, out of love for you, to redeem you all? He is waiting for your repentance. He is waiting for your return love.

This is a very difficult way that awaits you, My beloved ones. My son knows that. He wants to walk these steps with you. He does not want to leave you alone on this path, because he knows what it means to walk up this difficult path. As Heavenly Mother, have I not always been concerned for you, My beloved sons of priests? Have I not given you everything? Have I not wanted to give you my Immaculate Heart that you consecrate yourselves to it? Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart! In My heart you are safe and protected.

My little one is going up this way to Golgotha in her most severe atonement because My Son Jesus Christ wants to suffer in her Himself this New Priesthood and this New Church to found it anew. Is this not bitter for you, My beloved sons of priests? Do you remain stubborn in these words, in this suffering of My Son? Has He not delivered you from everything? Have you not been given this priesthood, this great grace? Did you accept them out of reverence, because you knew that this was the greatest thing you could receive? Jesus Christ is transformed in your hands. Have you become aware of this honor and reverence? Why did you have to say goodbye to the Catholic Church and turn to Protestantism and ecumenism? Were you so weak? Did you want to seize power, the great power that the Almighty Ruler of the whole world has - the great Triune God? He will work in his omnipotence. Never can the great power work in you. It can only work in Jesus Christ, the Son of God in the Trinity and the Heavenly Father in His omnipotence and his omnipotence.

Are you not afraid of the future when My Heavenly Father will let this event come? Don't you develop fears? Do you remain obdurate? Do you persist in these severe sacrileges? Why do you reject the Blessed Sacrament? Is it not the greatest thing that can help you in this terrible tribulation of the times, the crisis of the Church, the crisis of the entire clergy?

Stand before this My Immaculate Heart! The Mother will provide, the Heavenly Mother. I am ready, I as Heavenly Mother, to ask you at the throne of God for everything you need on the way to holiness, first on the way of conversion. What a great feast is being celebrated in heaven when your conversion finally takes place! Heaven is constantly waiting for your complete conversion!

Do not let this little one suffer so much that Jesus continues to suffer this priesthood in her. How many prayer groups, oases of love and peace, have come into being since then. Why? To support my little one in her suffering, which becomes more and more unbearable. Yes, she is tormented in her suffering. She moans because it is becoming too difficult for her and it is incomprehensible to her that Jesus Christ must endure this suffering in her. It is and will be inexplicably difficult for you, if you go this way. There is only one way to the top of the mountain Golgotha and this way I wish from all of you, because it is the only way to your salvation, ultimately the way to eternal bliss. Your Heavenly Mother loves you immeasurably and wants to accompany you on this path.

And now I bless you in great love, in Divine Strength, with all the Angels and Saints, with My Bridegroom, Saint Joseph, your beloved Padre Pio and the Curé of Ars, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love will outlast everything, because love lasts forever! Amen.


