Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday in the octave of Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Opfenbach/Göritz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, large crowds of angels came to this holy house chapel, dressed in white and golden robes. The tabernacle angels worshipped, bowing deeply. Jesus Christ blessed us through the statue of the Heart of Jesus. The Most Holy Trinity above the tabernacle was bathed in bright light.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.

My beloved Father's children, My beloved chosen ones and My children from near and far, who follow My Son in His passion. Today you celebrate the second day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit was poured out on you once again with His seven gifts. This deep love that He poured into your hearts became brightly illuminated.

Yes, My beloved ones, what do the fruits of the Holy Spirit mean to you? Love, faithfulness, peace, gentleness, goodness, abstinence, chastity All these gifts are now deeply engraved, yes, rooted in your hearts full of love.

Love is the greatest, My children. This love will become deeper, more intimate and more mature. You will also be given the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Again and again I give you, the heavenly Father, this spirit. I pour it out over you.

Now the Whitsuntide begins. Again and again you will experience this love. You are My father's children. Could I ever forget you and not intimately communicate this love to you? Look at the love of your dearest mother. Is she not unique? Is she not beautiful in her purity? Aren't there always groups of angels around you because she is also the queen of angels? Call these angels. They come down to you. They will help you in your illnesses, in your ailments and in your serious needs. This love of the Blessed Mother will never be taken away from you.

Beloved children of the Father, what is the situation of the Holy Spirit in this church today? Is He still being called, My beloved? Is He still begged down by the faithful, especially by the clergy, for the believers? No! They do not even think of this Holy Spirit, the Comforter, whom I have sent down. My Son ascended to Me on the Ascension, - His Father. And we have sent you this Holy Spirit, the Comforter. My Son had to ascend to heaven to send you this Comforter, the Comforter of the Trinity. He will enliven your hearts. He will make them zealous in faith. He will drive you in love. This flame of love in your hearts will grow bigger. This love and zeal would like to communicate to the other person. This love is not for you who have received and are receiving, but it wants to radiate further out to people who open their hearts wide for this Holy Spirit. They too will get the knowledge they long for.

Yes, faith, My beloved ones, means wisdom. This wisdom, as My beloved priestly son told Me, is not dependent on science. The science is being taught. You can learn them. But wisdom, my beloved ones, comes from an intimate faith. Without this wisdom you cannot get knowledge. When do you not get this insight? When you are in grave sin. Then go out of this sin and make a penitent and good confession to a holy priest, who also celebrates My Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine rite and not in modernism, stands at a popular altar and serves the people. No! He serves My Son, Jesus Christ, in holiness. He unites himself with My Son in the Holy Transformation. He becomes one with My Son in the Trinity. He also wants to become one with you, because love drives Him to enter your hearts with Holy Communion, to connect with you and to embrace you with love.

Yes, My beloved ones, go often and repentantly to this Holy Sacrament of Penance so that you may continue to receive this spirit of knowledge. He is important for you. Especially for this time. Where else do you recognize the Holy Spirit? In which modernist churches are you still taught the love and knowledge of the Holy Spirit? No! Today, love will no longer radiate from the hearts of these modernist priests that they recognize the truth and communicate this truth to the faithful.

The clergy lies in grave sin. You all know that, My beloved ones. But do you not believe that I want to save these priests and the entire clergy from ruin? They all stand at the abyss, who do not celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast, who do not unite with Me, who do not believe in the Trinity, who do not worship it and do not hope and do not love it. With them the faith is diminished. How long have they already taken off these official clothes, these priest clothes. It was the first step to disbelief. They could do it because they connected with the world. Is this not sad for the Holy Spirit and also for you, My beloved children of the Father, who have to watch this and live in this vicinity? You cannot isolate yourselves so far that you hear nothing more, because I wish that you atone, sacrifice and pray for these sins, especially the sacrileges of the clergy. Do not leave these priests, for your prayer is most urgently needed. Why? Because they lie in unbelief and in grave sin. Let them go out of this sin of unbelief and let them worship again before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, intimately and deeply. Holy priests, My beloved children of the Father, we, the Trinity, need - sacrificial priests, who offer this Holy Sacrificial Supper at the sacrificial altar of My Son. My Son is transformed in their hands, and you receive Him in all silence, in all faith intimately.

You remain faithful to this trinity. You have proven this loyalty. And how many times, My children, have you already been persecuted. You have been mocked for your faith. But doesn't it have to be the way it looks like at the moment with you? Must not you also be persecuted like My Son Jesus Christ? Did they believe him? No! Was He followed on this difficult path? No! One swam on in the big stream without wanting to turn back. The will, my children, is important, the will to want to turn back.

I will stand by all My priests if they make known to Me this will in their hearts and are ready to confess, repent of everything and begin a new life. Do they not bear the greatest responsibility for this unbelief? Do not so many believers leave the Catholic Church today? Why, My children? Why is there such a great apostasy? Yes, this happens because you cannot believe these priests. Because they do not live this faith. They are no longer role models. They want to proclaim the Good News and they want to continue giving themselves to worldly pleasures. Is that right, My beloved ones? Are the world priests holy priests who can be connected to Me and at the same time with the world and then celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast? It is not possible. These paths diverge. It must form a unit: To persevere in the deep faith and the Holy Sacrifice and in faithfulness.

Have I not accompanied you, My beloved father children, again and again on the way? Have I not given you all the signposting that you can continue this path step by step in the Divine Power, in the power of the Holy Spirit, which you can ask down, in the strength, in the piety and fear of the Lord? Not the fear of man is meant, my beloved, but the fear of God. You have also proved this fear of God because you love me more than anything else in the world. I am in your hearts the gemstone, the treasure, and I want to remain that. Your hearts will become wide in love. They will become more and more open to the love that can penetrate and fill your hearts.

This love is the greatest If only they would love Me, the Heavenly Father, more! Am I not the most tender father waiting for your answer? For this Yes, which you give Me, for this I give you everything. I will reimburse you a hundredfold. The gifts you receive are given to you in holiness. They will delight you and touch your hearts deeply. You will also continue to have the fragrances. They connect you to the supernature. In a moment it will be recognizable for you that it is not the fragrance of the world, but a fragrance of heaven. Does not then the gratitude occur that you feel gratitude at this very moment? Heaven is with you. He has shown himself to you. There is nothing in the world that can measure this. My beloved ones, remain faithful to the Trinity!

The next Sunday you will celebrate the feast of the Trinity, the Trinity. You should celebrate this feast with dignity and call this holiness down on the others who cannot believe, cannot love and have no hope. They should be able to turn back and have the strength to want to turn back.

Yes, My beloved ones, I repeat this often. But it is never to become too much for you because it is I who feel the greatest longing for these souls, - for my souls. I am the creator of all human beings and the creator of souls. I want to win back these souls through my great love, and also through you, through your love, through your perseverance and through your announcement out into the whole world. You shout these messages into the world. Then this echo will come that men will long for these close messages from me, the heavenly father.

The problems in the world have become oversized, and that is why I want people to return to holiness, to faith and to walk this path of holiness, step by step like you, My beloved ones. You go this way ahead with many who will also follow you, who see you in steadfastness, in firmness, in perseverance and in courage. You will become courageous because the Holy Spirit will push you forward. You will know His words, and you will be able to utter them, because the Holy Spirit will speak out of you.

Not you, My beloved father children, speak. The Holy Spirit speaks from you. This is why I showed you in yesterday's event how the Holy Spirit was present and how He had this solution, not you, My children. You cannot have this great knowledge, this foresight and this foresight. I am teaching them to you so that people may return to the true faith in truth and unity and return to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which I will found anew in the Trinity with My Son and My Son will suffer them. This suffering is very great, but it will be fruitful. You will experience a glorious church where you will be happy, where one prays for the other and one loves the other. You can read the virtues from the Blessed Mother. It contains all virtues. That is why your inside radiates to the outside. And also your inside shall radiate outwards.

I love you, My beloved ones I am with you every day with the Holy Spirit, - very special in this time of Pentecost. Now your loving, tender, Heavenly Father in the Trinity with the dearest Mother, with all the angels, the warded and the saints, blesses you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love is the greatest! Love drives you forward! Persevere, My beloved ones, and be courageous and strong! Amen.

Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph forever and ever. Amen. Mary dear with the child, give us all Your blessing. Praised and glorified be Jesus Christ without end in the Blessed Sacrament. Amen.


