Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle, the Holy Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Even before the Cenacle began today, angels came from all directions to this house chapel. They went to the tabernacle and grouped themselves around it. The cross and the four evangelists were brightly illuminated. The mercy ray of the Little King of Love sparkled in dark red and white. The entire altar of Mary and the Blessed Mother were bathed in a bright golden light. Her crown sparkled. This time she held up the white rosary to us. During the Cenacle the Pieta was also brightly lit. The Mother of God and Her Son Jesus Christ were bathed in bright golden light. Both looked at each other lovingly.

The Mother of God will say: I, your dearest Mother of God, will speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter of heaven. She lies in the will and plan of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words of heaven. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved chosen ones, today you have entered this Cenacle, - this Pentecostal Hall. It is My Cenacle, My beloved ones, because I am the Bride of the Holy Spirit and above Me My little one in ecstasy has seen this Holy Spirit in the symbol of a white dove. I wanted to instill the Holy Spirit in you today, during this Cenacle. I wanted to breathe on you with the Holy Spirit so that knowledge would flow deeper into your hearts. All evil shall be kept away from you.

This Cenacle, My Cenacle, My beloved children and children of Mary, is celebrated throughout the world. In your country this celebration takes place one day after the Sacred Heart Friday. This is the first Saturday of the month after Sacred Heart Friday, - Marian Day: Sacred Heart Saturday. You too, my beloved ones, are atoning as I desire. Look again today at My Immaculate Heart. Let this heart inflame you, - inflame in Divine Love, so that these rays of love can pass over to others.

Am I not your dearest mother, the mother of the Church? Do I not weep tears in so many places, bitter tears for My priestly sons? How often do you atone, My beloved ones, how often. And for that I thank you, because you connect your suffering with my suffering. My suffering is the greatest for these My beloved sons of priests. I still beg for her from the Heavenly Father. My heart is deeply saddened, especially in this Lent, when My Son walks this path of suffering again. Connect yourselves also with this suffering in this time. The Heavenly Father desires that many people accept their suffering, their cross, as it is chosen and planned by the Heavenly Father. It will strengthen you, and it will not let you despair and depress you. On the contrary, My beloved ones, the cross is there for you to strengthen you, - to strengthen in Divine Love, in Divine Confidence.

Am I, your dearest mother, not in your hearts? Have I not entered into you to ask you this deep love, - the Divine Love that proceeds from the sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ, from this altar of sacrifice? You receive these streams of grace daily. Today, this stream of grace emanated especially from the Cenacle, from the Pentecost Hall. I was allowed to accompany you to enter this hall, - this sanctuary. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you all that is good and evil, for your knowledge will be deeper than before. Your Mother, your Heavenly Mother asks for it.

I always emphasize for all the faithful that I am the Mother of God, the Mother of God and the dearest Mother, the Mother of the Church, the Mother of Beautiful Love. Can there be anything better for you, My children, than that you all consecrate yourselves to this My Immaculate Heart? Consecrate your children to me so that I can press them also to my Immaculate Heart, so that these streams of love can overflow. I love all My children from near and far who have included themselves in this Holy Sacrificial Feast today and who have celebrated this Cenacle with Me.

Stay in this house chapel in Göttingen during the coming week, the night of the 12th to the 13th, to atone. As you know, I suffer especially for the priests. Give Me your grief. Give Me your trials too. They are important for you. You will not succumb to them; on the contrary, they too will strengthen you. All pray to the Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate, for you, My beloved ones, My beloved children of Mary.

If you knew how much I love you and treat you with deep motherly love, all of you, because you comfort Me, because you love Me, because you come to Me in your sufferings, in your afflictions, because I may go to the Heavenly Father through your petitions to present your petitions to Him in holiness.

I may accompany you on this path of holiness. You will continue to move forward. How many times have I already announced it to you. It is the full truth, My beloved ones, and you know that when you obey the Heavenly Father in its entirety, you lie in the full truth. Nothing can be done to you. Even if many want to urge you to give this up, above all not to continue on the path of holiness, it is only a temptation from outside. No! You will pass this temptation, because the Holy Archangel Michael watches over you. Does he not repeatedly strike his sword in all four directions to lovingly ward off all evil from you? Does he not look at you with his loving look? He rejoices if you wish to continue on the path of holiness. It is up to your will, My beloved children. The mother is always with you. I call down the angels for you. Doesn't the little baby Jesus also look at the little king of love? Do not many rays of grace pass from this little king on your altar to you? The four evangelists also have a great significance for you. They show you the way. They tell you: "Hold out! Hang in there! Become bolder and stronger in the Divine Power!"

Love one another as I have loved you! If you remain in Divine Love, you will also love your neighbor as yourself. This is the most important commandment: Love, love of the Triune God. Again and again I announce them to you, My beloved children, My children of Mary. Again and again I let this love flow deep into your hearts to let your trust mature more deeply. Trust is very important. It unites fidelity, - loyalty and gratitude.

You stand in amazement before this holy sacrificial meal every day. Your hearts will be touched because this great mystery is beyond your grasp. But they are gifts, my beloved ones, - gifts that I, as Mother, as Heavenly Mother, ask for you.

Yes, I have much to tell you on this path of holiness, My beloved ones. Even though I repeat many things, this is to flow more strongly into your hearts, because love is to become greater, - stronger. A love fire shall become your love, - a love flame that ignites on the others. To ignite on others means, those who also walk this path of holiness, on whose flames you can ignite yourselves. The flames should continue. A fire blight of love shall be created. Yeah, I can't believe you guys. But it is the truth, My beloved ones, the truth which your mother speaks to you, your loving mother, who asks everything for you. Look again and again at My loving heart, at My Immaculate Heart, - the heart of purity.

As you have read today in the 'Blue Book' at the Cenacle, My full truth is contained there. You have read this book carefully.

You are in battle, My beloved ones, in the battle of the adversary. With me, not alone, you can stand this fight. Look at my asking hands, which I hold out to you. I am going with you and will not leave you alone in this great struggle. The battle is fought to achieve victory. The victory will be mighty, my children, - mighty and great.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be celebrated all over the world as a sacrificial banquet, - as the Tridentine Holy Sacrifice Banquet. Wait a little longer, My beloved ones. The time is not yet fulfilled.

My beloved Son looks on you from the Cross again and again with love, because you give Him this comfort in His suffering, - in this time of suffering, in this Lent, and you are also there for Me to comfort, My beloved ones. I love you with an oversized, motherly heart that burns with love for you.

I bless you now as your beloved mother who will walk with you on this path. I bless you in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, with Saint Padre Pio, especially with My Bridegroom, Saint Joseph, the Holy Curé of Ars, with the four Evangelists, especially with the Little King of Love and the Child Jesus, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love is the greatest, My beloved ones! Stay in love and persevere and become courageous and strong to continue on this path, the path of love and the path of suffering! Amen.

Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph for all eternity. Amen.


