Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, flocks of angels entered and adored the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. They also adored the Child Jesus in the manger, just as the Blessed Mother knelt down and worshipped Her Son, the Son of God. Everything was brightly lit. The heavenly father in the picture blessed. Golden rays streamed from His Heart and He pointed to His Heart and the Heart of the Blessed Mother, which was also surrounded by rays. From the stars with the little baby Jesus in the middle of the Christmas bouquet, many rays were also emitted.

The Heavenly Father speaks again: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, this Sunday, the feast of Jesus' name, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved little crowd, My beloved believers, also today I want to give you, above all you believers, special information for the New Church. So far I have given them only to My small beloved flock, which is in the succession of My Son. But today I want to give you a renewed chance so that you do not have to experience this great event in the modernist church, my beloved believers.

As you know, I have repeatedly admonished My Holy Father in Rome, the many bishops, chief shepherds, the cardinals and also the shepherds, but to respond to the deeper faith in My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. They did not obey Me. And as you know, this church in modernism is going deeper and deeper into Satan's clutches.

You, My believers, have been led astray for years. You have believed that one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church must be believed in the Holy Father, the Vicar of My Son on earth, the Successor of Peter. Yes, basically it would have been true. Only when you see that he has inaugurated an Interfaith Center, entered a mosque, cultivated modernism and held the modernist meal, then you have realized, My beloved believers, that this Holy Father cannot be in the truth. Also My bishops, the chief shepherds and My cardinals did not obey Me, although these messages reached them more and more.

As you all know, My believers, it is a deception and deception to mix My sacrificial meal with the communion of the Protestant community of faith. I say consciously: With the Protestant faith community. It is not a church, My beloved ones, as you know. It was split off from My Catholic Church after its founder Luther. Has he not himself divided the church and has he not fallen away, my believers? Do you want to continue to walk in these Protestant tracks in My Catholic Church? Only Protestantism rules in these modernist churches. You receive My Holy Communion, the union with My Son Jesus Christ, in the hand communion. Can this be in the truth, my believers? Is this not already Protestantism? Does one not continue to hold the Protestant meal at popular altars? Can it be My Holy Sacrificial Feast? My believers, wake up! Wake up! It is not My Holy Sacrificial Feast that is celebrated there, but they celebrate the Lord's Supper of Protestantism in the modernist church. I cannot continue to leave My Son there in the tabernacles, because it is no longer My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church that you emulate and want to continue to emulate.

You will continue to be led astray. I want to give you one last chance: Go out of these churches. Go into your homes and pray there from the bulkhead if you cannot attend a Tridentine Holy Mass for Sacrifice. They are celebrated by many priests, even those who are underground. When you wake up, these places will be called to you.

My beloved believers, I want to found a new Catholic and Apostolic Church, for you shall be saved from this confusion and deception. Give yourselves to My Heavenly Mother, - Her Immaculate Heart and you will be saved. She leads you into the true church. She would never approve of ecumenism and ecumenism. The unification of all communities into the one true Catholic and Apostolic Church, is the true ecumenism, because My Mother, the Heavenly Mother, the Mother of God, is the Mother of the Church.

How can you do so with My messengers, My chief shepherds and My Holy Father? Why do you reject My words? It is My truths that My messenger proclaims. You have long since recognized it and continue to lead the faithful astray. And now I have to found my church anew, - and I will do it.

At this place of pilgrimage of My mother in Wigratzbad Satan still rules, - Satan still rules! My Heavenly Mother will appear there very soon. There she will crush the head of the snake. Like many high shepherds and cardinals, they have so far taken massive action against pilgrimage sites and against the messengers. Have they not done the same with My Foundress, Antonie Raedler? Did not the shepherds and chief shepherds take massive action against them? If one did not want to kill her, this saint, whom I have chosen for My shrine, the shrine of My mother. And now they continue to take action against my messengers there. Is that right, My believers? Can you not wake up? I want to raise you from the sleep of death! I want to save you! You are in error! You succumb to deception! I will found everything anew, and everything will happen according to my heavenly plan, and everything will happen according to my will.

I bless you now, My beloved believers and My beloved little flock, the followers of My Son Jesus Christ, with My dearest Mother, all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You will be loved from eternity! Do not be fooled! Turn back and walk the true path with My Son Jesus Christ in His following! Amen.


