Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Feast of the Name of Mary.

The Blessed Mother speaks in the entrance hall of the pilgrims' home in Heroldsbach through Her child Anne.


Our Lady now says: My beloved children, I want to thank you for rushing again to My place of grace on My feast of names and giving Me roses. Beloved children, come again and again to this place of grace to distribute the graces I will give you. Your Heavenly Father will again indicate to you this time when you should hurry to this place.

As you know, My beloved children, the time is soon fulfilled, the time of the coming of My Son, and I too will appear as you know. With Me, My beloved children, you will trample the head of the serpent. Have a little more patience. The Heavenly Father will give you more information in the messages. Continue to be interested in the internet, because there you will be informed about the latest news.

As you know, all of you who continue to walk the way of My Son Jesus Christ in His discipleship up to Mount Golgotha are protected. Climb up the Calvary. It is indeed arduous and steep, but I will protect you and accompany you.

I know about your hardships and about your diseases. Carry them on with patience. You are never alone, as you know. Your trust in the Heavenly Father must grow more and more, because, as you see, blindness has come among men. You, My children, keep away from these people who mock you and want to do evil to you. Do not be afraid! Do you not believe that the Heavenly Father can provide you with an army, a legion of angels, if it is His wish and you are to remain protected? Let joy shine into your heart in spite of everything in these next few days. You are still in the octave of My feast of My birth.

Dear children, I will also give you a special day tomorrow. I will also speak again tomorrow, and above all you will receive a message from the Heavenly Father tonight at midnight. Beloved children, how many will now fall away from faith in this great struggle. They will not all pass this fight, for it is arduous.

People are often lonely and alone. They are not understood by the others. They are rejected and feel this abandonment. But I tell you that My Son Jesus Christ was also forsaken by all. He was all alone. Only I was allowed to constantly accompany him on this way of the cross.

I also wish that this dogma of the Coredemptrix, Advocate and of all Grace Mediator be proclaimed soon. It is desired by the Heavenly Father. You will get more graces.

Keep fighting! You are in the biggest fight. Remember that this battle will not be easy, but if you persevere, all doors will be opened to you. Hold out in the many difficulties! Believe and trust that the Heavenly Father guides you. I may continue to form you in the virtues and will also do this when you ask me for it and when you consecrate yourselves to me, my Immaculate Heart.

And now I take my leave of you and bless you. Until tomorrow, beloved little children, beloved children of Mary. I love you and stand by your side. Remain under my spell, then you are protected. I bless you now in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven, for faithfulness and love belong together. Amen.


