Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, September 5, 2009


Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of Mary was bathed in a golden glow today. The Blessed Mother was brightly lit, the rosary was blue, the dress white and the mantle light blue. It floated on a cloud and under it was a snake. She raised her right foot and stepped on it.

Our Lady will speak: I, your dearest mother, your Blessed Mother, will now speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words that come from Him and from heaven.

Today I am speaking to you, My beloved ones, My little band, who are in the following of My Son Jesus Christ. Today you have entered this cenacle, this room of Pentecost. I have made many things known to you, but some things are still hidden from you.

Rejoice in the time of the coming of My Son. I, too, will appear in the sky at my place of pilgrimage as mother and queen of victory in Wigratzbad. There the great festival will take place. It really comes! Nevertheless, many do not want to believe that I will appear. I will be allowed to trample the head of the serpent with my children of Mary.

There is still a great restlessness in this place. One day there will be peace, not the peace that the world gives you, but the peace in your hearts. The love of Jesus Christ will penetrate deep into your hearts and enlighten them. This is the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. I, as the Bride of the Holy Spirit, will let the love of Jesus Christ, My Son and the Heavenly Father in the Trinity flow into your hearts. I will ask for it.

Hang on, My beloved children! I know that this last time is very difficult for you. But I am with you and I do not leave you and will always be allowed to ask for new strengths.

In this month, the month of the guardian angels, I will ask you these so that they may accompany you on your daily journey. As you know, the evil one is powerful. But he will have no more power when I will appear. The fight is still very strong. The evil one still exercises his power. Many will succumb to this power who are not ready now to follow my son.

He has preceded you the way, the way of the cross. Love the cross and receive your cross, for it is precious for your path of holiness. Look how I have walked the Way of the Cross with My Son. I walked him in love. In love I have placed myself under the cross. The torment of My Son I have suffered with. Nothing became too much for me because it happened in love.

In My heart is the greatest love, and this is what I want to transmit to you. Let the love penetrate deeper and deeper into your hearts. In the present time, the struggle in the hearts between good and evil is taking place. Many still opt for the easier, the evil. The hard way is that which lies in toil and suffering. If you walk this one, you are on the right path. Keep looking at your cross. Walk this path, even if it is painful, even if it means deep suffering and cross. It is the right way, the way of truth. There you will experience the truth of the Heavenly Father. There you will get the knowledge, - only on this way. The unbelievers are cut off from this way, yes, they have cut themselves off, because they do not want to believe, because they follow sin again and again, grave sin, above all sin against the Holy Spirit.

Still the many priests are taking action against the messengers of the Heavenly Father. They want to mock, spurn and reject them so that they are finally silenced. But it is the plan of the Heavenly Father that He sends His messengers into the whole world to proclaim His truths. And they will not stop giving this truth into the world, yes, they will continue to shout it, especially through the Internet. It is retrieved all over the world. For this mission, Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father in the Trinity has appointed His messenger Anne to proclaim fully the words of the Heavenly Father, so that people may know where the true path leads.

They are not enlightened in the modernist churches, since ecumenism and ecumenism prevail there. Satan has invaded these churches. This is why My Son Jesus Christ desires the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast from My priests who want to walk the path of holiness. In this holy sacrificial banquet He transforms Himself in the hands of His holy sons of priests. Their hands are consecrated and they follow My Son Jesus Christ in the full truth, and they love Him. Everything that He desires from them, they want to obey in obedience. They gladly walk this path and gladly offer the greatest sacrifices to Him, the Son of God in the Trinity. How much he loves humanity, - how much. How much the Heavenly Father is waiting for the conversion of the many sons of priests, especially the conversion of cardinals and bishops and also the conversion of the representative on earth, the Holy Father. It is He who was chosen by My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity. He was present at the Conclave.

As Heavenly Mother I wish so much that these priests repent that they realize that this is the most important thing. Otherwise they have no knowledge, but the wall becomes thicker and thicker and they go astray, because they follow a false doctrine.

My beloved ones, persevere on this path! You are protected and loved in the greatest love of God. You are in the truth. You know the truth because the Holy Spirit is working in you. I will never leave you, My beloved children. I stay with you and may form you and also guide you. I bring you finally to My Son, to My Heavenly Father. He waits for you and He awaits you. Walk further in the footsteps of the sky!

And so I bless you, My beloved children of Mary, all those who, following My Son, continue on this arduous journey in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, especially with My beloved Bridegroom, St. Joseph, St. Padre Pio, the Holy Curé of Ars, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity and I, your mother, may accompany you. Amen.


