Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Blessed Mother speaks to the pilgrims in the hollow in Heroldsbach through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


Dearest Blessed Mother, I thank You for appearing here, for speaking to all of us, because we are in dire need at this time. Shine Your Divine Power into our hearts, into our open hearts, that we may receive more strength to survive this last phase of the end times. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady is now speaking: I, your dearest Mother, your Mama, am speaking at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She only speaks My words and is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father. My beloved children, My faithful ones, My chosen ones and My little flock, you who have followed the Heavenly Father, you who want to walk this stony path in total surrender and availability.

My beloved ones, I go with you on this difficult path. You have been chosen to walk this path. You cannot master this by your own strength, but only in Divine Power. I have let this Divine Power flow more and more into your hearts through the messages of Heaven. This deep love should grow even more, so that you have the strength to continue on the way to the mountain to Golgotha in this final phase.

My beloved ones, My children of Mary, My chosen ones, and My small flock, My faithful ones, go on! Be brave, brave, and do not let yourselves be distracted by evil forces! They also want to get you off. They will be there in great numbers, for the devilish powers are now quite powerful. The hostilities will become stronger, My children. Your sicknesses and also complaints will increase because you are My chosen ones and My children of Mary. Then look upon the cross of your Savior. Did He not bear the greatest burden for you on the cross? He died for all of you and he wants that you comfort him in this time because he suffers the greatest agonies with me.

I want and the Heavenly Father wishes that I be chosen quite soon as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix of Grace and Advocate. This dogma shall be proclaimed quite soon. But the Holy Father, the representative of Christ on earth, is forced by his errant bishops not to proclaim this dogma. They follow the evil powers, the masonic powers.

My beloved children, you are called to the last fight. Fight with me and do not get tired to get through this last fight. Have courage! Become strong in your trust in the Heavenly Father! Great hosts of angels will be placed at your side in this last time. But I beg you, always call them down. They will accompany you on this path. You will never be alone because I will take up residence in your hearts and I will protect you. You are the protected ones, because you want to walk this last path steadily. You have decided to go this way in availability. He makes many demands on you and demands many sacrifices. If you are willing to make these heavy sacrifices, you are protected and you will never be left alone in the final phase. I come into your hearts with the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. The Trinity will dwell in your hearts and your dearest Mama will protect and care for you.

My beloved ones, have courage and do not despair! Also I will tell you how the last steps will look like. Follow the messages! Call them off when you do not receive them, because they are important to all of you. The big event is approaching! Before this event takes place, the Heavenly Father has permitted a soul show to call many more souls to salvation.

You, My children, are ready to save souls and have already made many sacrifices. The sacrifices will increase, but you will be strengthened by the hostilities. You mean you are getting weaker, no, you are getting stronger. Love one another and be vigilant against the evil enemy!

If you remain in Divine Love, nothing can happen to you, but if you remain in Human Love, the evil enemy will be able to harass and seduce you. Always praise and glorify the Trinity, for many people have fallen away as you know. They no longer believe in the Blessed Sacrament of My Son. Adore him in the Holy Trinity, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

My beloved ones, how important it is for you to be there for heaven. You live in the world, but you are not of the world. Give up everything earthly and keep nothing for yourselves. Your egoism must dwindle more and more and the Divine Power must strengthen in you, for it is the greatest thing to venerate the Trinity and to celebrate the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast in the greatest reverence, for only in this Sacrificial Feast can Jesus, My Son, transform Himself into the priests. The other is only meal fellowship at popular altars, where My Son cannot be present because He is not venerated by the priests.

Have courage, My children, to swim against the current! Don't swim with them, because other people would like to get you off now, especially in this phase. Then be steadfast and do not let yourselves be ensnared by evil. He is cunning and wants to lead you away in the last time from the true only way in the truth, in the Divine Truth.

My beloved ones, now I want to bless you and make you strong and I want to bring down all the angels. Be blessed, be protected, be loved and also be sent in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love, for divine love is the greatest. Amen.

Thank you, dearest Mother, for speaking to us, for strengthening us here in the hollow so that we can start our way home in the Divine Power. Amen.


