Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Heavenly Father speaks very moving words after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His child and tool Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Heavenly Father speaks: My beloved children, the Heavenly Father speaks again today through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and child Anne. She lies in my truth and nothing is out of her. My beloved little one, you have just made the sign of the cross in all reverence. You have called yourself with it. The sign of the cross testifies that you believe in the name of the Triune God. It is a testimony that you bear with every sign of the cross.

What is the situation of the evangelical Christians, as they call themselves? Can there be a Protestant church there? No, there is no second church, because I myself founded the church through My Son Jesus Christ. There is only this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. She is the only one. And what do you want to do today with this one and only Catholic Church? One wants to lay them in rubble and ashes. One wants to connect all communities and faith communities with it, to merge with it. Is this possible, My children? You can already grasp it with your mind if you are still Catholic - if you are still Catholic. In the churches of today, which once were My Catholic Churches, I have said that in these churches there are no Catholic Christians, no Catholics.

As I told you on April 27 last year, I have taken My Son, Jesus Christ, out of all the tabernacles of these modernist churches. Still today one does not believe it to me. Have I not the right as Heavenly Father to take My Son, who redeemed you all, out of the tabernacles when He is being disgraced with so many sacrileges in a Catholic Church? Can it still be this one, holy, catholic church?

I want to teach you, My children, My believers who read these words, that this Church can no longer exist. My son is no longer present in these tabernacles. Satan rages in these churches. As you see and know and hear, this, My Only Church, wants to be connected, simply connected with all churches and communities. It is not possible at all! If one believes, he cannot at the same time worship the God that exists in other communities. That is, I no longer believe in the Triune God. I also no longer believe that the Virgin and Mother of God gave birth to this one and only Son of God and yet remained a virgin. What do they teach in the other church, in this community of faith called church, what do they believe in it? That this Mother of God gave birth to her Son only as a man, but not as the incarnate Son of God, as the mother of the only Jesus. Never again will this name Jesus be allowed to exist. It is Jesus Christ, the only Son of God in the Trinity. And this one, My son, is no longer worshiped.

I must found My New Church! I have to found this New Catholic Church because My Chief Shepherds - and also My Supreme Shepherd wants to destroy this Church, i.e. wants to have it destroyed, because he can no longer resist this Freemasonry. It is not possible for him.

Yes, My children, you have prayed for him very much. You have sacrificed everything for this Holy Father, My Vicar, and what has become of him? He obeys these Masonic powers, which press him so hard that he can no longer resist them. Therefore this ecumenism, this destruction of My Church. It is no longer possible for Me to be present in these churches in the Triune God, in the Trinity. My children, My believers, why do you not recognize that there is only one Triune God. Does the Triune God also exist in the other communities?

Only My Pius-brothers celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast for Me, all alone for Me. They do not obey this church, this so-called Catholic Church, and do not want their excommunication to be revoked. No, they confess the true faith. And what is flourishing in the whole world? The Pius Brotherhood. You have this success. They acquire churches that have already been closed. There is the true faith. They take everything upon themselves for this My Holy Mass of Sacrifice. There I am present, only there in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite. This is My full truth.

Only the mysticism they do not recognize yet. They will not be able to avoid acknowledging this secret, this great mystery, that I must choose my messengers in this time. It is not possible for me not to choose them to be able to speak through them. Through them my truth comes to bear on the Internet, through them. Otherwise it is no longer possible for me.

How many chances have I given to My chief shepherds? How many chances have I given My Supreme Shepherd? How many messages in My full truth has he received? And now it is on to ecumenism, i.e. the complete destruction of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. This is my truth, my truth, which I make known through my tools.

My chief shepherds, My priests, why do you not return to the only truth? Why do you remain stubborn? must I continue to watch the destruction of My Son's Church, that people no longer worship Him, that no reverence is shown to Him, that this One, My Church, is joined to others? Then it can no longer be My Only Church. And all of you, you believers, who follow this church, will not only go astray, but you believe in this false doctrine. Return and wake up, because my event must come! Do you now believe the Heavenly Father?

I have prepared my messenger Anne as consistently as never before. It knows only the one truth, and I give this truth in fullness through it into the Internet. They will be persecuted, yes, they want to kill, murder them, so that this One Church cannot exist. One wants to destroy them completely.

And this is My request to you, My beloved little flock, hold on! Hang in there! Believe and trust! Remains the persecuted, who want to take all hostilities upon themselves! I will strengthen you and help you. Never will you, the messengers, be in the center, but Jesus Christ.

In Jesus' name I will continue to deliver the possessed from evil spirits through My priestly Son. Yes, he has received this consecration. He is an exorcist! Believe Me, My believers! Come to him and be set free from evil. You will go astray, because the truth is nowhere recognizable.

Believe and trust deeper, My little flock! Adore and adore My Son in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. There He is completely present with Godhead and humanity. Worship Him! He wants to connect your hearts more deeply and intimately with His Heart, with the Divine Heart, so that you may be ready for everything and never want to throw down the cross. The Triune God now blesses you in threefold power and in all the fullness of His love, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen.


