Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Gestratz through His child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. I would like to begin by saying that I have never seen such a bright light in the chancel, indeed in the entire house chapel, as on this Sunday. The angels also came in through the windows and sat around the tabernacle in adoration. The holy archangel Michael has again swung his sword in all four directions. The blood of Christ flowed from His side wound into the chalice during the Holy Communion.

The Heavenly Father says: My beloved children, yes, My chosen ones, especially many streams of grace I have let flow here in the last three weeks. They were not for you alone, but were especially necessary for the Wigratzbad place of prayer.

As you know, there is much in disorder there, yes, the evil spirit has entered there. He wants to disfigure and destroy My place of prayer, the place of prayer of My dearest Mother. But you, my beloved ones, have kept watch here. You rushed here because you knew that here is a place of rest, the oasis of love and peace that I, the Heavenly Father, founded with My dearest Mother, the Queen of the Rosary of Law, as I call her and as she shall be further called here.

This sacred site will become widely known. You will not believe, My beloved ones, how far it is known through the Internet that a sacred place, an oasis, has been created here, in which holiness has come to its fullest extent through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite, as it is in My plan and will.

My beloved ones, and now come your trials. You have received the gifts in the three weeks and you have proved to Me that you love Me. Now I want to ask you, do you love me even when I demand the greatest sacrifices from you?

I wish that My three, My priest son, My tool Anne and My Katharina travel back to Göttingen at the beginning of next week. Yes, my little one's heart disease has grown. This is a great test for them. You, My little one, will save many souls, especially priest souls, through this.

My beloved ones, My chosen ones, can you understand this sacrifice and this trial? Everyone rushed here. Here is the highest holiness. Here is the order. Here is the love among each other and a unity without hostility. It could not be better. I have kept everything from you, and I have strengthened you in these three weeks. Do you believe in My test? My children will certainly be there for you in the house chapel in Göttingen.

I wish you to pray and sacrifice here this holy place of pilgrimage that is to be created. I also wish you to celebrate here the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the blue booklet in the Tridentine Rite with the spiritual communion you receive. Here, in this place, gather yourselves together, for the greatest fruits that ever existed will be given to you. Do you believe in My omnipotence? Do you believe in My love, in My foresight? You cannot and you will not understand it. You shall believe and no doubt shall enter into you. Be brave! Become strong and remain faithful! Everything happens according to the Heavenly Plan. Everything is imagined. Everything is love.

You will stay in touch by phone. My children are urgently needed in Göttingen and its surroundings. You cannot understand this either, because at the moment peace has come there. My two in Göttingen and My chosen ones in Duderstadt have prayed a lot and these prayers in the house chapels have brought rich fruit. I, the Heavenly Father, am grateful to them for having persevered in faithfulness.

I love you boundlessly. I will never leave you alone. Your Heavenly Father watches over you and the Queen of the Rosary of Gestratz will remain in your hearts. Do not be afraid! The greatest protection surrounds you. Everything is providence. How quickly it is said in the world, you have been lucky. No, it is providence, foresight and approval of your Heavenly Father.

Remain in unity. Be vigilant, for the wicked one walks around like a roaring lion and wants to devour everything you offer him. Therefore I say to you: Pray and atone much here and sacrifice everything to the Heavenly Father. Bring me also your joys, because I want to share in them. They shall strengthen you and your hearts shall not fail. You will remain in Divine Power and in Divine Love.

And now the Heavenly Father in the Trinity blesses you with all the angels, all the saints, especially Padre Pio, with the Queen of the Rosary of Gestratz and the dear Jesus in the manger, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.


