Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Jesus Christ speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in a house chapel in Duderstadt through His instrument Anne.


Dearest Jesus, King and Lord, ruler of the whole world and above all, ruler of your church. You told me that you wanted to speak today, on this day, the day before the end of the year. I thank You for Your mercy, for Your love, for Your sacrifices, which You offer again and again on all altars through Your beloved sons of priests.

Jesus Christ speaks now: My beloved, My chosen ones, also today I want to speak to you through My willing, humble and obedient child and instrument Anne. She lies in My full truth and speaks only My words. Yes, My beloved children, My chosen ones, again I am seeking shelter. First of all, I want to thank My daughter Mary first of all for making this space available to Me when I was expelled from My churches.

I also want to thank My beloved priest son for this holy sacrifice he offered to Me, the Supreme Lord, for you, My beloved children and chosen ones. Do not be sad, My children, for you have opened the doors of My heart. You have been called and called here not by yourselves but by me, because I have chosen you. Yes, I have really been pushed out of My Church, in the home place of My little ones through whom I speak, really pushed out. How much My Sacred Heart and that of My Mother bleed. They do not take it back, they continue to expel me from my churches.

My children, they are no longer My churches. Do not be afraid, for I will cleanse My churches. They belong to me, and my Holy Sacrificial Feast will be celebrated there very shortly according to my wishes. Unfortunately, My sons of priests have not yet given up their position of power.

My children, obey the Supreme Shepherd of your Church and My Church, the Supreme Shepherd, I have said, not to My bishops who are no longer in My truth, yes, who do not obey My Supreme Shepherd.

How sad is My beloved mother and your mother about this grave offense. But I gather my little ones around me. There remains a small flock that wants to serve Me and not the people, but Me, the highest King and Lord, the Ruler of My whole Church, My only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. What has become of it, My beloved ones? How sadly your little Jesus looks at you. It had to find shelter in the smallest nursery. There many graces will be poured out on you also today. Look how I, the smallest of all, as God became man for you. For you I have made these sacrifices. For you I have become human and was already cast out as a small child in the womb of my dearest heavenly mother. This is happening again today.

But you, My children, believe also in My Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Yes, this is only a symbol in these churches. People no longer believe in Me in this highest sacrament, which I have given you out of great and boundless love. How is this disfigured. My mother's heart hurts incessantly and the blood tears are visible in many places. But people do not believe. They also expel My mother from these churches. They do not even believe that I let My mother weep, let My mother weep, about the transgressions, about the grave sacrileges, of My priests. How much this church has suffered, yes, it is finished. But then I will appear in highest holiness in the firmament with my dearest mother, and this happens very soon, my children. Believe in it and trust more deeply.

This Divine Love that today My Mother pours out on you from Her Immaculate Heart, receive into your open hearts. Grace flows in streams today. This holy sacrifice was pleasing to me. I will give My daughter more information for this My house church, for this emergency church. Then, when these churches are closed, they hurry to you, beloved daughter, to be allowed to celebrate My Holy Sacrifice with you.

How few people still believe in a god at all? They have cast out the highest God from their lives. They enjoy the pleasures of the world and they do not enter these churches. For this reason I call together My little band. I send my messengers into all the world to bring my truths to the ends of the earth.

I have taken advantage of the technology, namely the Internet and the telephone and the other instruments I have invented in people. These instruments have not been used for my honor either. I have given people the knowledge. They did not invent this themselves. All, My children, connect with Me, then you can live, then you can also be happy in these last days of purification. Do not be afraid, but become strong. Drive all fears out of your hearts. They hinder you to hear my words and to absorb my insights.

I love you boundlessly, My beloved ones. My beloved mother is crying at this moment because I was pushed out, I, her dearest son she gave birth to, yes, she told her Fiat from the beginning. I am also waiting for your Fiat. Walk this last stony path with me. I will protect you and my mother will be with you in every moment and will also protect you from the greatest storm that will come upon you in all brevity.

Do not be afraid! Do not be afraid! I am with you! I will never leave you. I love you. Tell me quite often that you also love me and do not leave me because I want to ask you all this question again: Do you also want to leave me? Will you, My little flock, walk this last path with Me? I will always be with you, because I have conceived you from the beginning in the plan of the heavenly Father.

And now I want to bless you, protect you, love you and also send you out. I bless you with all the angels and saints, with My dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I bless you three times so that you may pass this battle with my mother. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed and praised be the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, from now and forever. Amen. Praised be Jesus Christ and Mary, forever and ever. Amen.


