Marian Revelations to Luz de Maria, Argentina


Monday, February 28, 2022

My People, War Will Ride the Earth in the Midst of Disputes and Revenge Until It Comes as a Surprise to an Unsuspecting Humanity and the Expected Happens...

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to His Beloved Daughter Luz De Maria


My Beloved People:


My Mercy is infinite. I await you with My Divine Love so that you may be new creatures.

My Beloved Ones:

YOU LIVE IN THE MOMENT THAT LEADS YOU TO THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT HAS BEEN REVEALED BY MY HOUSE . Even if you see a slight respite, it will not last in the face of the arrogance of world leaders with a lust for power.

Pride has no limits, power leads man to use everything he has created to immobilize those he considers his opponents. As in burrows, they plot to surprise the unsuspecting.

Children, where have they left the heart of flesh? They give death premeditatedly to increase the war. O human creatures, how much suffering to the point of weariness they attract!

Pray children for the Middle East.

Pray children for France.

Pray children for Italy.

Pray children for China.

Pray, My children, pray for those who suffer and mourn at this time.

My people, you shall live the horror that comes from those who maintain purposes of conquest.

Little by little you move deeper, My children, into this sad war scenario, which will grow to become more than purification.

My people, war will ride the Earth in the midst of disputes and revenge until it comes as a surprise to an unsuspecting humanity and the expected happens... How much My Heart hurts for it, My children, how much it hurts!


There comes the pestilence sent again. My children, be creatures of Faith, stand by Me, receive Me worthily prepared before My Temples are closed.

"Come to Me ", (Mt 11,28) that I love you infinitely. I bless you. You are My children.

Your Jesus





(1) The Blessed Virgin Mary on repeated occasions and in particular on September 29, 2014 alerted us, " War is before you and you do not recognize it. The minds of My children were invaded and trained through technology in the service of evil, through video games so that at this instant you look at the development that war is taking as something normal in the life of man. How the misused technology has scourged humanity!"




Listening to our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ, more with the heart than with the sense of hearing, I cannot remain indifferent to so much Divine Revelation given to mankind so that man would return to God, but now we suffer the consequences of pride and indifference.....

At this instant I call upon the presidents of all the nations of the world to struggle to maintain the peace and unity of their peoples. Especially I call the presidents of the great powers so that looking to the future, they do not despise the call that I come to bring them in the Name of My Son. And cease all disagreements, and cease especially the desires for power that would culminate in a Third World War.

I cry before the president of the nation of the United States, that this My Son may listen to this Mother who looks beyond where he looks and who suffers before the consequences of a warlike action that would unleash hecatomb for all My children.

I cry out to My son the President of Russia to fight hard and stop the war. THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY, OCTOBER 2, 2013 .

Pray My children, pray; war is coming, wreaking havoc, maiming the innocent, with armaments beyond human control; it will be the man of science, the executioner of his own race. Nuclear energy is the great Herod of this instant. Tell My children not to decay, not to fear being singled out for alerting those who do not know Me and ignore the future of this generation. Tell them that My People will be triumphant and together with Me, I will raise them up so that they will not suffer, but their conscience must remain ready to donate itself for Me. Not all men are ignorant of what will happen, but they leave it aside so as not to be disturbed by having to struggle to be better. DIALOGUE BETWEEN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HIS BELOVED DAUGHTER LUZ DE MARIA FOR THE WHOLE WORLD, 03.03.2014

Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart: they prepare war but this will not be only in Europe, but other countries of the world will join by compromise with those who have silently provided them with armaments, which in the midst of the discouragement of war, will cause surprise. Children, you have lived painful moments in some countries, but in this instant it will be Humanity in general that will suffer because of this evil provoked by those who have made a pact with satan as part of the preparation for the presentation of the antichrist, to whom in this instant, powerful families of the world are preparing his presentation. Children, do not go down other roads, look straight ahead the Truth that is hidden from you, it is necessary that the economy falls so that those who decide in this instant over Humanity, take the reins completely to expedite the project of evil, unify the powers throughout the world and thus take control of all Humanity, through a single currency, a single government and a single religion, under the pretext of eliminating borders, those that man himself created. THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY, 21.09.2015

My beloved children, the moment of the world is delicate before the union of the strongest powers. These are difficult moments for all men, in the face of the constant threat of provocations for war to break out. Therefore, I call you to pray for the United States and Russia, one of the protagonists in this terrifying scenario.

Children, the principle of truth which moves the mighty powers to promote war is ignored by you. Every act of man has an implicit end that leads him to benefit. Interests not only economic, political, geographical, which are inconceivable by those who are ignorant of politics, are behind revolutions, vandalism and protests that seem harmless creating chaos through uncontrolled violence that was programmed to bring humanity to this instant in which it finds itself, just one step away from the self-destruction of the human race.THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY, 04.10.2015

Pray for Ukraine, blood is shed. THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY, 10.02.2015

Pray for Russia, she will give a surprise to the world . THE BLESSED VIRGIN, 07.12.2016

Stay expectant, Russia will make a decision that will affect all of Europe directly and indirectly the whole world. THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN. 21.06.2017

People of God, you will see with your eyes, the beginning of the armament war, not only the bacteriological war in which you live. Ah..., how the Divine Wrath will fall upon those who have brought the pain of disease upon human creatures! SAN MIGUEL ARCÁNGEL, 03.04.2020

Pray My children, pray, the Balkans are news to mankind. (*)

Pray My children, pray, Europe without economy is prey to invaders wearing red .MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY, 03/14/2021 .

(*) Balkan peninsula. Although the states of Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine are not within the Balkan peninsula, for historical and cultural reasons they are included within the Balkan region.

The tentacles of the Antichrist move in haste inflaming the minds of the leaders of the powers. The core of the war is not the one presented to them, but it is the economy of the northern country and the bear's lust for power. Don't look at the superficial, go deep. SAN MIGUEL ARCÁNGEL, 02/19/2022

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