Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, March 2, 2015

A Most Urgent Callof Mary the Sactifier to the Inhabitants of Her Beloved Nation of Colombia. Alto De Guarne. (Antioquia)

Oh, My Beloved Colombia, the Days of Your Purification Are Coming; You Will Be Weighed, Counted and Passed Through the Crucible of Tribulation, So That You Can Illuminate the Darkness of Many Nations and Be Light for Humanity!


Little children of my beloved Colombia, the peace of God be with you and my maternal protection assist you.

The nations that have been chosen to form the twelve tribes of Israel in these end times will start to be purified so that they can be light for the other nations. Oh, my beloved Colombia, the days of your purification are coming; you shall be weighed, counted, measured and passed through the crucible of tribulation, so that you can illuminate the darkness of many nations and be light for humanity! The chosen nations will be spiritual support for those that Heaven is going to redeem, so that when the Divine Justice comes these won’t be exterminated.

From the Alto de Garne, under my title of "the Sanctifier”, I make an urgent call to the inhabitants of my beloved Colombia, so that the next 13th of May, a day of prayer, fasting and penance may be realized; I desire that all its inhabitants make a chain of prayer in anticipation of all the events that are about to be unleashed on this beloved nation. Events that if not prepared for with prayer, would bring much sorrow, destruction, desolation and death to your nation and its inhabitants. I ask of you, therefore, little children, that you pay attention to this call that I am making to you, because the days of purification are near for your country. Note that I give you this warning with anticipation, so that you can start to prepare for this great day of prayer, fasting and penance, which will begin on May 13, at 12:00 noon and will continue until May 14 at 12:00 noon. It is urgent that you pay attention to my call so that you and your nation can bear the purification to which you will be subjected by the will of my Father.

There is so much spiritual misery and so much sin and social injustice in your nation. The blood of my innocent ones aborted, which cries to Heaven for justice, the blood of the massacred peasants cries to Heaven for justice; the sin of Sodomy in your nation is an affront to the love and mercy of my Father. The social corruption and the injustice of those who govern you especially towards those most in need, too, cries to Heaven for justice. Prostitution, the drug addiction of youth and the base instincts of many of its inhabitants make me weep and make Heaven weep. The day is approaching in which this, my beloved nation of Colombia, will be purified, so that it can fulfill the plan of salvation that my Father has indicated for it: to be a light for the nations.

I want those whom I most love to attend to my call and at 12:00 noon of the 13th of May, I want them to ring the bells in all the churches announcing that the day of prayer, fasting and penance for Colombia has begun. It is I, your Mother Sanctifier, who asks this of you; do not disappoint me; gather around you the entire nation so that with a single voice you pray with me the Holy Rosary and we can beseech the Heavenly Father to have pity and mercy as his divine justice passes through Colombia.

I ask the whole Catholic world to unite with Colombia in these days, so that my beloved nation will be able to bear this test and so fulfill the plan of salvation that God has indicated for it.

Oh, my beloved Colombia, your Mother is with you and intercedes for you and for your children; do not disappoint me because you know well that I love you!

Your Mother, Mary the Sanctifier. Alto de Guarne (Ant.)

It is urgent, my little children, that you make this message know in your nation and the whole world.

Source: ➥
