Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost. Feast of the birth of St. John the Baptist.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Many angels were present during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. They were grouped around the altar of sacrifice, the altar of Mary, the statue of Christ and above all the figure of St. John baptizing Jesus in the Jordan.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, on this feast day of the birth of St. John the Baptist, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My will and repeats only My words.

Yes, My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved followers and also My little flock, I want to tell and reveal to you that St. John the Baptist, the caller in the desert, is celebrated today on this feast day. He is the true caller in the desert, who through his call announced the coming of Jesus Christ. Already in his mother's womb he was sanctified and blessed. Everything was providential. His mother was supposed to give birth to her son, St. John, in old age, because the Heavenly Father wanted it that way and he was supposed to be the harbinger of Jesus Christ. He himself said of himself: "It is not I who am the Messiah, but there will come after me one to whom I am not worthy to undo the shoelaces. That will be the true Messiah."

And what about the second coming of My Son Jesus Christ today? Do you believe in the second coming? No! Do we believe in the harbingers? No! Does one believe in My messenger, whom I have chosen to be callers in this desert of the modernist Church? No! They say she is full of imagination. One mocks her, one despises her and one makes her suffer. My Passion Flower, My Passion Flower has so much to suffer, especially in this time before the second coming of My Son Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ has to suffer in her the New Church and the New Priesthood. Why? Because His Church has been completely destroyed, betrayed and sold. Nothing is left of it. She is a single heap of rubble. There is one chaos in this modernist Church.

And yet I, the Heavenly Father, with My Son Jesus Christ, prepare this second coming. This is why I sent My messenger into the world to announce My second coming. The new Kingdom of God will come where heaven and earth will be one. It will come to earth, and people will not understand how it is possible that after this betrayal, the Catholic Church could still not be destroyed, not even by the Freemasons. His Church, the Church of Jesus Christ, is eternal and He will build it anew, more beautiful than the first. In full glory it will rise.

But My messenger, whom I have appointed as the one calling in this desert, will not be believed. They will despise, persecute, and mock her, for it shall all be her fantasy. So much has been discredited the Church today that they will not even believe My messenger who cries out this second coming to the whole world.

My little flock endures and watches. Yes, My little one suffers very great pains because the New Church and the New Priesthood must be suffered. It will not be easy because most have turned away from the Church. They do not want to hear anything more from the Catholic Church and they do not expect anything from it. The entire clergy is in confusion and mistaken belief with the Supreme Shepherd and the Episcopate. The whole clergy should stand up and spread now that Jesus Christ will appear in new glory with His Mother in the second coming, and that this is the truth. This truth cannot be denied.

Today everyone knows that this church is completely destroyed. No one can say that this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church can endure as it is now. No! It is no more, but Jesus Christ, My Son, will make it rise again. The exit will be from the House of Glory. There is the suffering messenger, My messenger, who is there to comfort Me, the Son of God, and the New Church suffers, because in her I suffer and she suffers with me.

She will be the one who suffers and she will experience great agony, especially today on this day. Of course she did not expect it, but I am writing straight on other ways. I know what I am doing. I am her Heavenly Father and I will not let My little one continue to be discredited. On the contrary, she is My only messenger who will proclaim My truth in its entirety in the whole world and no one will be able to tell her that it is to be a lie or fantasy. No! it is my full and entire truth, and this she continues to shout into the world. She will not cease to spread the truth, even if it should cost her life and her suffering will increase. I watch over her. She is My flower of suffering, My flower of passion.

I alone determine the time when the event will come and should come. The harbinger is here. If you do not want to hear her words, then I will have to change My plan. What it will look like, I will not tell anyone, because it is my plan and it will be spread as truth in the whole world. My messenger will be there to absorb this truth in herself because I urge her to do so, because I will soon reveal my omnipotence and my omnipotence to all men. Therefore my precursor, who will proclaim nothing but the truth and is ready to continue to take everything upon herself, as also the small flock. And so today I bless you in the Trinity with all angels and saints and with My dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.



