Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Thursday, December 23, 2021

The meaning of this feast!

- Message No. 1334 -


My child. The history of salvation began more than 2000 years ago with and through the birth of My Most Holy Son Jesus Christ, but this miracle and such a great gift to you has not been understood by the vast majority until today.

Those who 'know' have conspired against Him, against Jesus, because they serve another and despise Jesus, My Son made flesh for you. They have fallen into the trap of evil and have not recognized that the path of humility alone will lead them to Eternal Life in Glory. This way is (following) Jesus.

Others, My beloved children that you are, have become lukewarm and consider the birth of My Son as far as possible only as a 'beautiful story', again others have no idea WHO Jesus is and are caught in other 'faiths', which will all lead them only to the One, but will not let them attain the Eternal Life in Glory.

Children, you must awaken and realize what the greatest and most magnificent and most gracious gift has been given to you with and through the birth of My Most Holy Son Jesus Christ by Me, by your Father in Heaven! Those who celebrate Christmas as a feast of material gifts have not understood the meaning of this feast! You must convert and celebrate Jesus' birth, because it was through this, His birth more than 2000 years ago, that the gift of YOUR salvation was initiated!

You do not understand, beloved children that you are, that ONLY THROUGH HIM, THROUGH THE SUCCESSION OF YOUR JESUS, you can obtain Eternal Life in Glory! All others who do not acknowledge Jesus as the One WHO IS, will be lost to His adversary, and you know, through this and other messages, what this means for your soul - FOR YOU, beloved children that you are: Eternal suffering in the realm of hell, which you try all too well to deny, but, beloved children that you are, your awakening will come to a bad end if you do not find in time to My Son, to your Jesus, confess HIM, your Savior and Redeemer, and continue to go the way of not wanting to recognize, because you are comfortable, because you are superficial, because you do not want to change, because you are lukewarm. ...the list is very long, beloved children that you are, it is very long.

Celebrate this feast for what it is: the birth of Jesus Christ, My Son who loves you so much and became man for you, My gift to you, beloved children that you are, so that you may not perish and may attain Eternal Life in glory in My Kingdom of Heaven.

So accept My gift, and do not spurn it, for whoever does so is truly lost. You must find your way to Jesus in order not to be lost, and that time is now, beloved children that you are.

So take advantage of this Christmas and celebrate it properly! Let go of your material consumption and put the Holy Family with the birth of the Child Jesus (back) in the center, because this is Christmas: the birth of My Most Holy Son, so that you, beloved children, may find the way to salvation. Amen.

Pray to Mary, your Most Holy Mother of God, for she was worthy to give birth to My Son and is (thus) Coredemptrix of you and of the world! Through Her I make numerous miracles happen, so pray to Her, beloved children, so that you may find the true way to Jesus and not be lost to His adversary.

Mary has called selected souls in harmony with Me to spread Her messages throughout the centuries. Listen to them, because they serve for your salvation! Do not just read them, BUT IMPLEMENT THEM! It is for your salvation and that of your loved ones!

Pray your rosaries daily, beloved children that you are, for through them you will be preserved and kept on the way to Jesus. Mary is your Heavenly Mother, so pray to Her and ask Her for protection and guidance. She loves all Her children, and She is THE Advocate for you at My throne.

Pray to Her daily, beloved children that you are, that you may remain preserved from the seductions of the Antichrist. Amen.

Your Father in heaven. God, the Most High. Amen.

Source: ➥
