Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Monday, March 22, 2021

It is written in the holiest of your books!

- Message No. 1280 -


My child. My soul so beloved by Me. My Father, your Creator in Heaven, holds the keys. Believe in it firmly, because everything will now soon happen very quickly. The road to Golgotha has begun, and My suffering is great. It is great because so many of My beloved creatures are (still) apostate, but many will still be converted. You must awaken and face the truth, because you are in a terrible bubble of lies, and your only way out is I, your Jesus. So many of you have adopted a false faith, and it will bring you down very soon.

Children wake up, because you are closer to the end than you are willing to believe!

Listen to Our call in these messages and prepare yourselves, for the vision of the soul is near and the end is visible!

You do not want to see it, therefore you do not believe it. You want to continue believing the liars and demons, because you are too comfortable to face the truth. Children, this will have devastating consequences for you!

I, your Jesus, carrying the cross to Golgotha, tell you today that the way of the end is prepared, and only those who are ready for Me, who recognize and accept My 'warning' as such, TO CHANGE AND CONVERT(!), will be spared the fires of hell!

It is written in the holiest of your books, but you do not know it or simply OVERREAD IT!

Children, wake up, because the end will come and will only end well for those of you who are truly with Me, with their Jesus who loves them so much and suffers for them and for you.

My child, ask all the children of this earth to repent, for only a very short time remains.

Whoever does not listen to My call will be lost, and nothing will I be able to do for him then! We have been warning you for quite some time, but so many of you overhear Our words, Our messages, which are full of love for you and serve solely for your good!

Listen to Our word in these messages and find completely to Me, to your Jesus, because I want to take each one of you into My New Kingdom, but only the one who is truly and honestly and sincerely faithful and devoted to Me will find entrance.

Whoever thinks that he does not need to turn to Me, to his Jesus, be told: The end is approaching, the floods of fire will come, the earth will rage and seethe and everyone who has not turned to Me will perish. The floods of fire will sweep him away, and in them he will perish. But since his soul is eternal, he will suffer, suffer, suffer. This he does for an eternity, and nothing will I be able to do for him.

Therefore, beloved children that you are, all of you come to Me, to your Jesus, convert to Me, to your Savior, and together We shall enter into My New Kingdom, whose gates will soon be opened.

Do not wait, but come to Me now. I am waiting for you. Amen.

In deep and sincere love for each one of you, I remain your Most Holy Jesus, carrying the Cross of Golgotha. Amen.

Source: ➥