Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Friday, July 22, 2016

Mother of Fatima: the war is near....

- Message No. 1150 -


My child. My dear child. Write, My child, and listen to what I have to say to you and yours and the children: Prepare yourselves, for it is not far. The New Kingdom will come, but you must be ready and honor My Son, or it will be withheld from you.

Tell the children they must pray. Tell them, My child. The war is near, but you have the possibility to stop it by your prayer. Use it, My children, for it is through your prayer that the Father gives grace. Prepare yourselves, for everything is very near. Amen.

Make this known, My child, if you will. Too few children pray, and war is at your door.

I ask: which one?

She says: Any war is bad, so pray, My children, pray much and pray fervently. Amen.

Your Mother of Fatima I look upon your world with tearful eyes. Amen. Go now. Enjoy the time that remains to you. Amen.

Source: ➥
