Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
You are the pillars of My Son's Church here on earth!
- Message No. 1104 -
My child. My dear child. Please write and listen to what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, have to say today to the children of the world: You have forgotten My Son, removed HIM from your lives, your churches, your cities.
You are righteous to yourselves, but you keep nothing to the commandments of the Father and the teachings of My Son!
You have removed yourselves from the only truth and closed the door to it, so that no one recognizes it and you are lost together, for whoever does not trust in My Son, removes HIM from his life and/or does not grant entrance, indulges in earthly things and is righteous to himself, to him be said: The great day of truth will come, and woe to him who has not confessed Jesus, who puts himself above his Creator and seeks righteousness for his own benefit!
Let it be said to you: you have understood nothing, and your fall will be deep, and the justice of the Lord will overtake you, and nothing more will you be able to do to cover up the truth! You will not be able to hide behind lies, and your hypocritical and selfish deeds will be exposed, and nothing you can do about it!
So confess yourselves now, before it is too late, and beg forgiveness to Jesus your Lord, for the hour of mercy still strikes, which will be followed by justice, so use the time that remains to you and give Jesus your YES!
Know the truth and the true way and confess yourselves completely to Jesus! Let yourselves fall in Him and be cradled in His arms, like a child seeking help. In this way you will not be lost, and the Lord's mercy will forgive you. But you must be sincere and honest, for your lies the Lord sees.
Therefore, pray to the Holy Spirit for clarity and recognition and implore help to your patron saints and (-)angels, for their help will be granted to you if you ask for it.
Beloved children of My Son, you who are in the ministry of dignity: You are consecrated servants of Jesus, and as such the teachings of My Son should be sacred to you!
Do not defile yourselves by apostasy and bear responsibility for your believers.
You too will have to answer for your deeds and misdeeds, and that day is not far off. So you too implore the help of the Holy Spirit, the patron saints and (-)angels, so that you may remain preserved from the attacks of the evil one and lead your faithful to Jesus.
Always be faithful to the word of Jesus and also place yourselves completely in His care. Then the devil will not have victory over you, and you can remain faithful to your responsibility.
You are the pillars of My Son's Church here on earth, so carry your responsibility consciously and in love for Jesus and your believers, whom you must lead to Jesus. Amen.
I love you. Be faithful and devoted to Jesus at all times.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥