Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Your salvation is at stake!
- Message No. 1035 -
My child. My dear child. Please say the following to the children of the world today: Arise and prepare yourselves, beloved children of the earth, for the end is near, and good to him who has prepared himself for My Son, is faithful and follows HIM, and is not guilty of anything!
So wash yourselves clean from sin and shame and put on your washed garment!
Become worthy to come before the Lord and Father and let worldly things be worldly!
Your salvation is at stake, and great are the trials in these last days!
Hold on, beloved children, and prepare yourselves. Only the one who is pure will reap the Kingdom of Heaven, only the one who has prepared and washed himself clean (confession, penance, repentance(!)) will enter the New Kingdom of the Lord!
So wait no longer and get ready, for Jesus will come and then you must be ready. Amen. So be it.
In deep motherly love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My child. It is important. Amen. Go now.
Source: ➥