Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Very special graces are given to consecrated children!
- Message No. 811 -
My child. My dear child. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: You must find your way to My Son to become worthy of the promises, for only through My Son can you be freed from sin and saved, but without HIM your soul will be lost, and at the end of days it will have to eke out its existence in the devil's hell, for that is where it will go if you do not confess, do not give your YES to My Son, and do not begin to live like true children of the Lord.
My children. There is not much time left. Stop inflicting suffering on each other and "turn" your hatred into love! All of Heaven is ready for you, and We will help you if you ask Us!
Pray, My children, for your prayer is so much needed! Always pray in the intentions of My Son, for HE "carries" your prayer to where it is most needed! So much disaster has already been averted by your prayer. So don't let it stop and keep praying, because the worst is yet to come, but with and through your prayer you will also be able to mitigate this and stop, even prevent, much!
Pray, My children, pray! Your prayer works the miracles in this time of the end! Always ask your Holy Guardian Angel to pray with you, with your soul, and to continue praying when you are tired or distracted. In this way your prayer will be sustained and much good can still be accomplished.
My children.
Consecrate yourselves to My Son and for this use the consecration prayer (Note: No.31) that We have given you. You can repeat the consecration daily and "embellish" it with your words. The consecration to HIM is so important. Please follow My call, because very special graces are given to the consecrated children.
My children.
I love you! Heaven" loves you! That is why We "fight" for every soul, because We know how hard you have it under the influence of all the evil machinations and seductions of the devil.
Let Us, your saints and angels, help you to find your way back to the Father, and let Us guide you in all your everyday things.
Jesus is the way home. So give your YES to HIM. In deep love.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
With the saints and angels who also stand by. Amen.
Source: ➥