Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Turn back, come to Me and listen to the word of My Mother.
- Message No. 250 -
My child. My dear child. Tell all Our children that We love them.
From the bottom of My heart, My so beloved children, your Father in Heaven and My Holy Son, your Jesus, love you and so much THEY long for you, for your YES to YOU, for your return home to YOU, for a life with you already here on earth and for your love for THEM!
My children. My children so loved by Me. I, the Mother of all God's children, love you so much, and it tears My loving Mother's heart to see how far you have strayed from the Father. He, who loves you so much, created you with the greatest love and gave you the world, longs for you. For each one of you!
Believe, My children, and begin to trust again! Trust in the Father and the Son, because it is THEY who await you with the greatest love, it is THEY who desire nothing more than your return, it is THEY who catch you, embrace you and embrace you with love and give you true happiness and eternal joy, everlasting peace and perfect fulfillment.
Come to HIM, My children, and all will be well. No matter how it is or was in your life, the now and everything that is yet to come will become simply glorious as soon as you decide for HER! You will live happily, contentedly and full of joy, and your worries will be taken away from you, because it is YOU who will then take care of you and "carry" everything that is too "heavy" for you.
So be it.
I love you. Come now, before it is too late. My Son and His Holy Father are waiting for you. Each one of you.
With deep love and affection.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"Turn back, come to Me and listen to the word of My Mother. She speaks the truth, for it was given to her by the Father to proclaim. Your Jesus. Amen" Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥