Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber


Peace to your heart!

My son, for a moment you still have my Son, you still have the Eucharist: his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity...for a moment!...Soon comes the abomination, the great general desolation in the Church of my Divine Son: in hiding they will celebrate to truly meet him and receive him, through pains and thorns of persecutions and humiliations they will walk. All this will happen because of the false communion and brotherhood without my Son in your midst. Bend your knees to the ground, beg for forgiveness and divine mercy, because ungrateful humanity will be punished terribly when these days come, because it is attracting the terrible punishment that will come from heaven, and neither good nor bad, neither Ministers of God nor faithful ones will escape it: all will fall to the ground and suffer, some to glory and others to eternal disgrace, because they will be struck down by the strong arm of God's Justice.

I bless you

A few minutes later, while meditating on the Blessed Mother's words, I heard Jesus' voice saying to me:



