Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Monday, June 6, 2016

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber


Peace my beloved children, peace!

My children, I your Immaculate Mother come to ask you to always be faithful to the Lord and not to despair when the weight of the cross overwhelms you more and more.

Trust in the Divine Heart of my Son Jesus and know how to offer him a little of your love and reparation for your sins and the sins of the world.

I am always at your side, my children: believe these words of my Mother. I am here to lift you up, to give you a little of my strength so that you can bring life and hope to many wounded and faithless hearts.

Pray the rosary every day, for it is prayer that brings down great graces from heaven upon your families and upon the whole world.

It is God who asks you to live a life of prayer united to him. It is the Lord who sends me from heaven, because he loves them so much.

I came to Fatima, I came many times in Italy, in many places to call them to God, but my children did not listen to me, they did not want to believe in my maternal presence and they denied many graces that I wished to grant them.

Italy, do not be so hard-hearted, for one day you will cry for not having listened to me and welcomed me with love and respect!.... Enough sins!...Do penance and ask God for forgiveness because of your hard as stone heart and your unbelief!

Priests!...God will ask account from each of you for the time you have wasted in not saving souls for the kingdom of heaven. God will hold accountable all his Ministers who have been unfaithful to their vocation and who do not live holiness as he wishes. Let them be converted and know how to recognize what his Heavenly Mother has been accomplishing in the whole world for a long time, through my manifestations here and in many places.

Jesus asks for the conversion of the whole Church and all of humanity. Pray, pray, pray. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!


