Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Stella Maris, Finland


The Blessed Mother has once again come from heaven to bless us and how she loves us. Having the Beloved Mother in our midst is the great sign of God's love for his children, especially in this place, where the Bishop of Helsinki Teemu, the only Bishop in all of Finland consecrated this country on May 21, 2015 to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, asking the Mother of the Church, "Stella Maris" (Star of the Sea), that in this place, next to her small shrine, a center of prayer, spirituality, listening to the word of God, formation, Christian culture and open vocations may grow and develop, in priesthood and consecrated life, for the evangelization of this land and for the entire Catholic Church, and that on this piece of land, which has been given into her hands, she may take care of her sons and daughters, families and all the people who desire to rise from emptiness and sin, returning to the holy desire to live the gift of faith and the joy of the Gospel, obtaining for all an abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit, making this people capable of being open to the surprises of God and to his grace.

What touched me very much was knowing that this consecration was made on May 21, 2015, because it was on May 21, 1994 that the Blessed Mother told me for the first time in Amazonas who she was: I am the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus! .... I have come that you may be a light to my other children and that you may tell them all what I and my Son Jesus will tell you!

Being in this place was a surprise, because the Stella Maris Shrine reminds us very much of the small chapel of Our Lady in Itapiranga, because it has the same style and shape. On this night, Our Lady gave us the following message:

Peace my beloved children, peace!

My children, I your Mother grant you my maternal love that your hearts may find the strength and light to dispel the darkness in your lives.

My children, pray and be faithful to God and so the Lord will bless you. God is love and his love he wants to give you. Open your hearts to God and he will bless you more and more.

The world sins and turns away from God, but I approach the world so that you all have the strength and courage to approach God and heaven.

Do not fret, do not lose faith. I am here to help you, I am here to guide you. Entrust your worries to my maternal Heart and the Lord will listen to you, because I, your Mother, he listens and will listen to you, if you trust in his love.

Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!


