Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Wednesday, June 27, 2001

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber - Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph


My beloved son, God has assigned you a great mission, that of spreading devotion to my Most Chaste Heart to the world. What an honorable, beautiful and wonderful mission.

Among so many people I chose you, even when you were in the past far from the Lord, when you were not yet His and you went your own ways. But I asked the Lord to deign to look upon the one I had chosen in the Amazon as your family.

Do you know why I wished to appear in a home to reveal my Heart to the world? Because I wish to show him how much I love families and how important they are to God, for I was the Head of the Holy Family and still am.

The Lord has granted me a great glory. He granted me the grace of a

Chaste and Virgin Heart. He created for me a Holy Heart where He could deposit His graces. Indeed, this most Chaste Heart of mine is full of the most abundant graces of the Lord, full of virtues and blessings.

I am the Lord's Righteous One. He who has always grown in the divine virtues, in the grace of God. Those who always call upon my Holy Name, the most worthy and most holy Name that the Lord has destined and called me many times I promise the abundance of my heavenly blessings and my protection from all the evils of hell, and immediate deliverance, in all dangers and afflictions.

You have seen today how much I love you and how much good I wish you. Today many have witnessed my protection that I dispense to you. Fear nothing. The enemy will not be able to do you any harm, for I am with you.

Today, with your prayers and the prayers of your brothers, great evils that the enemy wanted to unleash against the Church in Amazonas and against souls have been destroyed. What he intended to do will not happen and God's graces will descend upon you and your families.

My Heart will shine more and more in the world....

At this moment, I saw many people in various parts of the world holding processions, large celebrations and works in honor of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. Immediately afterwards, I saw the globe that represented the world. On it, small lights appeared on each continent, illuminating it in various parts until they became many, illuminating strongly in all places. I heard the voice of St. Joseph telling me:

It will be so!

I understood that where it was illuminated would be where the Heart of St. Joseph would be honored and where his devotion would reach. As I saw in the vision it will reach everywhere in the world. Saint Joseph went on to say:

And so my children will benefit from the graces of the Lord. I thank them for their presence and their love for me. To all my fatherly blessing and my protection: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!



