Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Tuesday, February 21, 1995

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber


Dear children, I want to show you my Immaculate Heart, which is little known by men. Pray, pray, pray my little children, to save the souls of all my sinful children, who are in danger of being eternally lost in the fire of hell. Help me little children, help me.

My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus are full of thorns, because of so many sins and ingratitudes committed by my ungrateful children who do not believe and do not listen to everything I tell them. Do not be incredulous, my children. Listen to me: the time is too short, and many do not believe and do not listen to these maternal messages of mine that I give you here today, like all the others that I have already given you in many parts of the world. Pray the holy rosary every day to save the souls of poor sinners.

Vision of the Virgin showing her Immaculate Heart to Edson

Listen to me, little children. Do what I tell you, or else a great chastisement will soon fall on the whole world, because of the innumerable sins that men commit at every moment...

Our Lady wept a lot. Tears flowed from her beautiful blue eyes. How painful it is to see the Virgin crying. We want to console her, comfort her immediately so that she will no longer suffer for us.

... How I suffer to see my children rushing into hell! May fathers love their children, as my Son Jesus loves them. May mothers love their children as I love them, and just as I love my Son Jesus, for they are the their greatest treasure, the most precious jewels, and there is no wealth in the world that compares to the children that God our Lord has given them.

To fathers and mothers I ask, to love their children, for one day, God Our Lord, will charge them for every child He has given them. How it hurts my Heart to see many mothers killing their little children born in their wombs. How I suffer with this! Help me, little children, with your prayers to save these souls. Pray for the end of abortion. Wipe the tears that fall from the face of your Heavenly Mother because of all this I see today.

When Our Lady gave me this message Heaven closed in, because it was going to rain. Nature looked sad, because of the Virgin who was crying. Soon there was a strong flash of lightning, followed by a very strong thunder that shook the house where we were. The Virgin spoke:

Soon, God our Lord will send you a sign that He will punish mankind for their crimes and sins. There will occur a thunder much stronger than this, which will shake the four corners of the earth, warning them that the great day of purification has come.

Then Saint Michael the Archangel appeared and said to me,

God Our Lord is not happy with this poor sinful humanity. Pray, pray, pray!

Jesus in this apparition spoke to my mother:

All those who have mocked, abused and despised the messages of my Blessed Mother, when I come into the world as a just judge, all those people who do not repent of these acts of theirs will be thrown into the fire of hell like dry wood.

Our Lady appeared again in the evening and gave me another message, for I had been very saddened by what had occurred in the afternoon and what I had heard. She appeared after I was at home in Itapiranga and told me:

Peace be with you!

Dear children, I am your Mother, the Queen of Peace and the Mother of God.

Little children, I love you with an immense love. Pray little ones, pray the holy rosary.

Dear children, do not worry and do not be frightened by all that I have revealed to you today, here in Itapiranga. I only wanted to share with you all my great pain as a Mother, who suffers for all those children who walk on the path of sin and are headed for eternal damnation.

Little children, those who pray and consecrate themselves every day to my Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus, will be spared on the day of punishment. Therefore, my little children, go and take my maternal messages to all my little children, so that they can take shelter in the safe refuge that I have prepared for everyone in my Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, pray the holy rosary every day for the peace of Brazil and for the peace of the whole world. I love you little ones, and I do not want your eternal damnation. Thank Jesus for allowing me to be here with you today, this afternoon, for I assure you, this is a great grace. Thank you little children for the affection you have for me. I am the Queen of Peace, and I come to bring peace to your hearts. Receive my peace and bring it to all my children who do not have it. I love you little ones. I love you very, very, very much. From Medjugorje, I the Queen of Peace and your Mother bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After Our Lady gave me this message, I felt in my soul a great love and a great peace, putting my trust in Her and Her Son Jesus. We should fear nothing, for those who pray will always have Her Protection and we will be happy, even in tribulations, for Jesus and

Mary will protect us and that is enough for us.


