Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Urgent Call from Sanctifying María to the Parents of the Family. Message to Enoch

Parents, Resume the Management and Control of Your Homes As Soon As Possible, Because Heaven is Very Sad with the Complacent Attitude of Many of You, Who Have Turned Your Back on God and Only Think of Providing Material Things to Your Children, when in Reality What They Need Most is Love, Understanding, Dialogue, Respect And, Above All, the Presence of God in Their Homes!


My children, the Peace of My Lord be with you and My Love and Protection always accompany you

Little ones, this vast majority of humanity continues to ride through this world like wild foals, heading for the depths of the abyss. How much sadness I feel in My Heart of Mother of humanity, seeing the destruction of so many homes and families, because of many parents who, because they are more concerned about jobs, the cares of this world and technology, have neglected the treasure! greater than God has given you, your children! I am shedding tears in all My invocations and manifesting myself in the images that represent me, as a call to humanity to return from the heart to the Love and Mercy of the Father.

Parents, many of you need love and commitment, you are more concerned with the material well-being of your children than with giving them and instilling values; That is why so many homes today are adrift! Luciferian technology is turning families away from God; the vast majority of My little ones in many homes no longer allocate time for prayer, love and dialogue. Thousands of families lie today in the depths of the abyss because of their lack of faith, charity and love for God when they were in this world. They cared more about satisfying their egos and vanities and turned their backs on the only one who could save them. It is sad to see today the moral and spiritual degradation in which so many families lie, due to the lack of God in their homes; Families that if they continue as they are tomorrow will be lost like those that today are in the depths of darkness.

Parents, Shepherds of the home! How long will you continue in your spiritual lethargy? Look, all the damage you are causing your children by your lack of leadership in your homes. My children are getting lost because of your lack of love, dialogue, understanding, commitment, discipline and above all because of the lack of prayer and God in your homes. You have left the raising of your children to the god of technology of this world and this god that came out of the hand of man is stealing the love and respect of your children. I ask you parents, that you pay more attention and care to your homes; television, internet, cell phones and all the technology of death that My adversary has deployed in recent times around the world, is the cause that today many homes are being lost.

Parents, resume the management and control of your homes as soon as possible, because Heaven is very sad with the complacent attitude of many of you, who have turned your back on God and only think of providing material things to your children, when in reality what they need most is love, understanding, dialogue, respect and, above all, the presence of God in their homes! So, shepherds of the home, straighten the course of your families, so that you do not have to regret tomorrow when you arrive in the presence of God, because if you continue turning your back on Him, the sentence you will receive will be: Depart from Me, I do not know you; Go to the eternal fire where weeping and gnashing of teeth await you for your rebellion, disobedience and lack of love and charity for me and your families.

May the Peace of My Lord remain in you, My beloved little children

Your Mother, Mary Sanctifying

Make My invocation and My messages known in all corners of the earth, My little ones

Source: ➥
