Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, March 4, 2019

Appeal of Jesus of Mercy to His faithful people. Message to Enoch.

I am your happiness, I am your treasure.


Children of Mine, my Peace be with you and the Light and Wisdom of my Holy Spirit, accompany you always.

To serve Me is the greatest treasure that every mortal must seek; life, my children, is surrender, love and service, and above all, obedience and trust in God. The greatest happiness is in giving and serving, with love and giving to your brethren. The material does not give happiness, happiness is spiritual, it is a grace of God that only comes to you, when you are united to Him and serve Him through your brethren. Happiness is Love and Service; it fears God, fulfills His Precepts; love and serve your brother and you will find the treasure of Wisdom and Happiness.

My children, the begin of Wisdom is the fear of God; to fear God is to fulfill His Precepts and to do His Will. The life of man is a constant search for Wisdom and Happiness; many think that money and material things give these graces to them and their whole life is dedicated to achieving this goal, without being able to reach it; many are caught by surprise by old age and sickness, while looking for this treasure and all they have accumulated in their life they see it gone for an unforeseen calamity or a prolonged illness. I have seen many kings under the sun, sad and in bitterness, even though they owned many riches; I have also seen the poor who has little to eat and to live with, but he is with God and trusts in Him; he shares the little he has with his brother and in spite of his poverty, I have seen him cheerful and smiling.

What contrasts there are in life, there are those who have everything and live in sadness, they do not enjoy what they have; there are others lacking of everything, but they trust in God and serve Him and are cheerful. Happiness is not given by material wealth, happiness is found in the fear of God, in the love and service to your brethren; happiness is to do God's Will. I am your happiness, I am your treasure, the one who finds me, will find the Joy of Eternal Life. Your treasure that I am, is inside you, to find Me you must love and serve, and above all fulfill my Precepts and do my Will. Love, service to your brothers and fear of God are the keys that open the door of Happiness and of Wisdom.

My children, life is service, it is dedication, without receiving anything in return; what you receive in this world for your service will be your pay; more for what you do to your brother most in need, without receiving anything in return, that will be the best pay; for in eternity you will be rewarded with the payment of the Eternal Life. I served all with love, but especially the most in need ones, because your pay you will receive it from God, tomorrow when you arrive in eternity. God will give you in this world happiness and joy, for every soul in need and poor that you will care for. Strive therefore, my children, to love, to serve and to fear God, so that tomorrow you may receive your treasure in eternity. Do not forget that I am inside you, look for Me, I am Infinite Mercy, I am Love, I am your greatest treasure.

Your treasure, Jesus of the Infinite Mercy

Let my messages be known my children, in all the ends of the Earth.

Source: ➥
