Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, February 11, 2019

Urgent Call of Jesus the Good Shepherd to His flock. Message to Enoch.

Mental attacks are getting stronger every day.


Sheep of my flock, my peace be with you.

Spirits of all kinds and rank, already roam in your midst, seeking your perdition. Mental attacks are getting stronger every day and are leading many souls to despair and in many cases to suicide. The spiritual combat in your world already begun and every day, the struggle for your freedom will be stronger. I tell you, if you are not clinging to Me, like the branch to the vine, you will be defeated and subdued by the forces of evil.

Again I remember you, sheep of my Flock, the struggle is spiritual and the weapons to fight the forces of evil, are spiritual; without them, you cannot engage in any combat with the forces of evil; because in doing so, without counting on Heaven, you will be easy prey of my adversary. The weapons I gave you are powerful in the Spirit for the collapse of fortresses; make use of them and I assure you, that no force of evil can harm you.

The Spiritual Armor that I sent you through my messenger Enoch, must be, your defense in the daily fight. Clothe yourselves with its power and oil it with prayer, so that the Grace of God may dwell in you; strengthen it with the daily Communion, so that my Rays of Light will come out of it and they will blind satan and his demons. Remember that you are already in the days of spiritual combat, where you must be in alert and vigilant, with your armor set morning and night, and to pray at all times. Do not forget to extend it to your family, so that no one in your family is lost.

Flock of Mine, that in your lives and homes, the most powerful weapon of this armor is not being missed, the praying of the Holy Rosary; unite spiritually with my Mother, everyone who prays it; my Mother is the bridge that will communicate with Me and She is already in your midst. The praying of the Holy Rosary, plus the Power of my Blood and of my Wounds, are your greatest strength. Do not forget flock of mine, for these spiritual weapons will give you freedom.

My beloved sheep, remember that my adversary walks like a Roaring Lion, seeking the one to devour; therefore, you must pray at all times, for the enemy of your soul does not give you a break. Every one who has attacks in his mind, must repel therm with the Power of my Blood and of my Wounds; by invoking Its Power with the repetition of little prayers, or by calling my Mother, to be given Her help and protection. When it comes to your mind thoughts of impurity, adultery, fornication, anger, vengeance, rage, envy, resentment, rejection, doubt, suicide, spiritual aridity curse, or any other mean thought, say:

Mighty Blood of Salvation, fight the enemy of my soul in my body, mind and spirit. Lord Jesus, I submerge myself in your Wounds and carry this wicked thought to the Wound of your left hand: by the Power of your Blood and your Wounds, free me Lord Jesus, from all false thinking and of all incendiary darts of the evil.

Call my Mother as well and say: O Mary conceived without sin, terror of the demons, come to my help that I take refuge in Thee;

If you are being attacked a lot, just say: Hail Mary Most Pure, come to my aid; call also my beloved Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, or the blessed souls and I assure you that my adversary and his hosts of evil, will flee from you.

Therefore flock of Mine, keep in your mind these instructions I am giving you, so that you can defend yourselves from the forces of evil. Again I remind you, do not go out to the street without your spiritual armor on, because you run the risk of being attacked by the incarnate spirits that already roam among you. When an incarnated spirit attacks you, what you have to do is to seal it with my Blood and I assure you that it will flee from you. Put in practice what I am saying and make use of the Power of my Blood, so that no evil force can touch or harm you.

My peace I leave you, my Peace I give you. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Your Teacher, Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Let my messages be known to all humankind, sheep of my Flock.

Source: ➥
