Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Urgent Appeal from Jesus ​​The Good Shepherd to Mankind.

The Day and the Hour of My Warning Have Already Been Agreed Upon by the Heavenly Court. the Only Thing Missing for All to Be Accomplished by the Divine Will Be a Few Moments of Mercy.


Sheep of my flock, my peace be with you. My flock, fear not, remain in my love, may your heart not be troubled nor frightened. Prepare yourselves with good life confessions for the coming of my Warning, which is already knocking at the door of your souls. My desire is not to see you suffer on your path to Eternity, but rather that you convert without having to know suffering. Consecrate yourselves as soon as possible to our two hearts and consecrate your families, so that no one is lost on the path to Eternity and so that all can return to this world to fulfill the mission that will be assigned to them.

I tell you: every mortal who has the use of reason will cross over to Eternity and will be judged based on their love by the Heavenly Court. I urge you to forgive one another, so that when you reach Eternity, your souls will not know the lake of Purgatory, where lie the souls who died without forgiveness and without being forgiven. Souls who failed to love and to forgive in this world must purge for that in Eternity. Purgatory for these poor souls is long and painful; there they must atone for all the lack of love and forgiveness that they did not show to their brothers in this world.

Many of these poor souls are spending many years of your time in this place, because during life in this world they refused to forgive. Their pain is great and they need your prayers, fasting, penance and holy masses, offered for them, which will be of great help to them in their trial by love. Pray for these bitter souls; their lack of love in this world led them to close their hearts to forgiveness and today they lie in Eternity, thirsty and in need of your prayers to be able to atone for their pains and to reduce their stay in Purgatory.

Keep in mind, my sheep, this instruction that I give you, so that you open your heart to forgiveness and you make peace with your brothers, so that when the day of my Warning comes, your passage to Eternity will not be one of suffering, but one of joy and peace. The day and the hour of my Warning have already been agreed upon by the Heavenly Court. The only thing missing for all to be accomplished by the Divine Will will be a few moments of mercy.

Woe to those fools and imprudent individuals who think that their underground bunkers will protect them at the time of my justice! How wrong they are, if they do not return to God with all their heart and repent, Creation’s fury at the time of my justice will destroy their fortresses and they will be under the weight of their bunkers!

Fools, at the time of my divine justice there will be no safe place on earth to hide! Turn to God and obey His precepts, that is your greatest strength. Do not seek safety in the things of this world because this world will very soon pass away and with it all those who today give me their backs and not their faces.

Prepare yourselves, my flock, for your crossing to Eternity is drawing near; consecrate yourselves to our two hearts, again I tell you; reconcile with your brothers and do justice, so that in Eternity you may see the glory of God and not the punishment of Purgatory or the torment of hell. My peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. Repent and convert, for the kingdom of God is near.

Make known my messages to all mankind.

Source: ➥
