Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Urgent Call from Mary Sanctifier of God's Children.

My Litle Children, Pray for the Governors of the Great Nations As They Are Preparing for War


Little children of my heart, may the peace of God be with you and may my maternal mantel protect you

My little children, pray for the leaders of the great nations as they are preparing for war. They have all prepared to exterminate great part of humanity so that it will be easier for them to subdue the nations after the war has past. They want to initiate the New World Order which will be the government of the antichrist.

The war that is about to come will affect all nations, passive or proactive. The countries allied with the great nations will send their best soldiers and provisions to sustain the nations in conflict. The armies of the third world countries will go in front and will be their brave ones the first to fall.

My little children, the leaders of the great nations have planned to destroy great part of the world's population, especially in less developed nations, so they can be subdued and expand their domains. Be prepared people of God, as the days when nations march to war are approaching, and my Father's creation will groan in pain for the explosion of bombs, chaos and death.

Price hikes, price hikes, shortage of food are coming to the inhabitants of Earth. The war will bring desolation, there will be no food as all the food and livestock of your nation will be sent to support the nations in conflict. Oh, how much pain my Motherly Heart feels to see the war approaching! Your children, parents will depart and perhaps never return. Oh desolate mothers, accompany me, as I too will walk with you through the desert. My son will be betrayed and again delivered to the hands of the evildoers.

My little children, pray for my Son's Church, as the bitter time is approaching. War, schism and financial collapse come hand in hand. The enemies of my Son's Church, are preparing to level the way for the creature of iniquity. In the midst of chaos and conflict will my adversary appear as the great savior of nations. The great deceiver, thief, forger already has all planned and ready to make his apparition. Is now time, my little children, for you to start sealing with my Son's Blood all the devices where my adversary's image could be seen or his voice heard, the day of his universal declaration has been set. It is also time my little children to start storing provisions and to obtain blessed water, salt and oil for the spiritual fight. Your armor you should ware day and night and oiled with prayer and don't forget to keep in your hands the power of my Holy Rosary.

I am warning you with time so that nothing will catch you by surprise, I remind you again that when my adversary will be about to make his declaration, you should unplug all devices where his voice or image can be delivered, remember that he is the ancient serpent and has seductive powers in his look and power in his words to make you love and follow him. Be careful my children not to fall in that deceit because it will be your eternal death! The one who is about to appear saying that he is the christ is NOT my son; that is the son of darkness who comes to usurp the name of my beloved son, to deceive the great majority of humanity who will follow and adore as if he was god himself. Don't look at him nor listen to his words because he is a being of wickedness who comes dressed as a sheep to draw the most souls.

You are warned my children, be then prepared as the days of anguish are approaching, take my hand and don't let got. Keep always with you my Holy Rosary, so that together we pray and defeat, by God's grace, my adversary and his hosts of evil.

Your Mother who loves you, Mary Sanctified (place of apparition: Alto de Guadalupe, Antioquia)

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