Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Tabernacles Are Spaces of Heaven Here on Earth!



Sheep of my flock, remain in my love and fear not the days of your purification, each time becomes closer, at any time during this time that is no longer time, but Divine Will, everything will begin, stay faithful to Me, and allow everything to go according to My Father’s Will. The evening begins to decline and the world you know will very soon pass, and with it, all those who have given me their back.

My heart aches and bleeds again seeing so many lost souls, why do you act so indifferent to me? What have I done for you to despise me so and you not welcome my mercy? You gallop as runaway colts and many of you will fall into the abyss. Oh, what sadness my heart to see this disaster and know that I cannot stop it, because it is your free will that wills it! Again I say, come back to me, lost and rebel sheep and I will give you my salvation which is eternal life.

Here I am in the sanctuary waiting for you my rebel sheep to come drink from the fountain of My mercy; repent and attain my forgiveness, a single act of love and reparation is enough for me to give you My Forgiveness. The love that I ask is that you come to me with humble and contrite hearts; the love that I ask is that you forgive and love one another, as I love you and I will and forgive you always. Love is the force, love is the flame that it is born in the hearts of all those who do the Will of My Father. My children, it is easier to love than to hate, it is easier to forgive. Come to Me and I will change your heart of stone for a heart of flesh, I will make new creatures of you, as it is written that no one who has implored my forgiveness will leave disappointed. I am the Living Bread that comes down from heaven, which creates life in you. I am the Living Water. Come down to my tabernacles and I will calm and satisfy your hunger and your thirst, for I am the Good Shepherd who gives his life for his sheep, which leads you to green pastures and quenches your thirst in clear waters. Do not walk along by, or give me your back, I am the friend who never fails, the unconditional friend, the Father who loves you and will always be waiting for you with open arms, to give you His love, forgiveness and life in abundance. Come my rebel sheep before the night falls, do not be so stubborn; accept my offer of life, so that tomorrow you may rejoice for all eternity. I tell my rebel sheep, that this life is fleeting; true life waits for you in My Father’s Kingdom, where you will find peace, joy, and happiness for all eternity. My tabernacles are spaces of heaven here on earth. Hence, I wait for you my rebel sheep, come near and be not afraid, you do not know the joy I will feel when I will see you, I do like to give you my salvation and as the lost sheep I will bring you on my shoulders to the fold of eternal happiness. I am your shepherd who never sleeps, because I expect the return of His lost sheep. Who loves you, your Eternal Shepherd, Jesus of Nazareth.

Make my messages known, sheep of my flock.

Source: ➥
