Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sanctifying Mary’s Urgent Call, Alto De Guarne, Antioquia. Dearly Beloved Children, May the Peace of the Lord Be with You.

Come to My Sanctuaries and Pray the Holy Rosary with Me and I Will Make New Creatures of You


My children, during this month I want you to accompany me with fervor and that we may pray my Holy Rosary together, specially asking for the conversion of sinners within your families and for the sinners of the whole world. My dear children, I desire to rescue many souls and bring them to conversion, so that when the warning comes they can attend God’s call and NOT be lost. And so, my dear children make the intention for my Holy Rosary be for the rescue of so many souls which lie in the darkness of this world, wandering like errand shadows without love or God.

Henceforth I summon you, legions bearing My name, militant army, for you to intercede with me before the Holy Trinity, also asking for the conversion of the inhabitants of your city, of your country and of the whole world. The power of prayer of my Holy Rosary will break all ties and all barriers which my adversary places to impede the conversion of nations. Thereby my children, I count on your prayers, for I wish to offer to My Father as an offering, the conversion of many souls to console Him for the enormous pain He feels to know that much of humanity has turned its back on him to follow the wide road which leads to eternal perdition.

My children, I am pouring blessings of physical and spiritual healing over each Marian sanctuary, I want you to come and visit me and prove the love your mother has for you. Come to my sanctuaries to pray with me My Holy Rosary and I will make new beings of you. My Father has granted me the grace to transform many hearts and to transform many lost souls which with faith and devotion come close to visit me. Great indulgences will be received by those who come to My sanctuaries to pray with me.

Come you stray sheep and fear not; your mother loves you and will not reproach you, allow me to transform your hearts, allow me to straighten your lives; know that your heavenly Father and Mother are most interested in the salvation of your souls. Remember dear stray sheep, that to a greater sin, also greater will be God’s mercy, if you come repented and with contrite hearts and humility.

So, come close docile children and be not afraid, I am waiting for you at my sanctuaries, to give to you my love and to intercede for you and your families, so that tomorrow you may attain the joy of eternal life. May the Lord’s peace keep you company and my motherly protection assist you. Your Mother, Sanctifying Mary.

Make my messages known, children of my heart.

While receiving this message it rained heavily, but the Virgin lovingly covered us with her motherly mantle of fog, and all was in peace.

Source: ➥
