Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Venerate Me More, Pray the Holy Mantle, Believe in Me, Pray to Me

Message of Saint Joseph to Mario D'Ignazio on February 7, 2024


Message of Saint Joseph given to Mario D'Ignazio on February 7, 2024.

Beloved children of Jesus and Mary, Hearts of Love and Mercy, listen to Me. I am your Beloved St. Joseph, righteous man and spouse of Mary the Queen.

Venerate Me more, pray the HOLY MANTLE*, believe in Me, pray to Me.

I am present here with Mary Virgin of Reconciliation, Angels and Saints. WE ALWAYS OPERATE HERE. Venerate Me.

At the Garden I am always present, together with the Archangels, Angels and Saints. Here God has placed His Holy Tent. Most Powerful Holy Spiritual Temple is the GARDEN. Love this place, care for it, beautify it in simplicity, especially come here to PRAY INTENSELY.

How many graces we want to give you! So many, so immense!

Come to this Holy Place chosen by the Father to pray.

Invoke Me. Follow Us, love Us, listen to Us, venerate Us.

Do not support or help Masonic bishops and false and corrupt ministers. Be vigilant. Do not trust or believe those who defend IMPOSTURE....

Let no one lack altars at home. Time is getting short. God will punish the corrupt Vatican for its grave errors, vices and false excommunications given to True Mystics and Apparitions. A devouring destructive fire will fall there. The Pachamama, the Kachina doll... Idols! Idolatry is condemned by God.

Do not worship idols and false gods. Throw amulets into the fire. Luther's statue in the Vatican! Pray, be vigilant. Praise Yahweh and say, MARANATHA, COME LORD JESUS. AND BEHOLD THE TIME COMES AND HE RETURNS. THE TRUMPETS WILL BE HEARD BY ALL. ALL! THE WILD BEAST COMES FROM THE DEPTHS. THE LEGIONS OF DEMONS ARE MANY AMONG YOU. FEAR NOT, PRAY.

Invocation to Saint Joseph

Holy Spouse of Mary, Guardian of the Holy Family, protect the Little Flock under Your Holy Mantle, to whom we are devoted. Saint Joseph, Terror of demons, help us in this struggle against the pagan world. Sustain us, protect Italy from spiritual catastrophe. Make us meekly welcome Fatima who continues in Brindisi. Bless our homes and deliver them from divisive demons. Give us Peace, intercede for us of the Little Flock, Remnant and Mystical Church. Give us grace to love and honor Thee. Convert us soon to Jesus the Redeemer. St. Joseph, Guardian of the Little Remnant, enlighten us. Amen.

(Let us meekly accept the Fatima Call that continues in Brindisi. Let us organize holy Marian pilgrimages. Let us not always doubt, let us believe. Let us not make a thousand paths, but one. Beware of false apparitions and visionaries. Even if they have been saying they see for decades, it means nothing. If they defend Rome, attacking Brindisi, they are not of God. Let us concatenate and reject what deviates and contradicts this Particular and Final Revelation)

The Holy Mantle of St. Joseph*



