Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, August 22, 2016

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through her willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, August 22, 2016, we celebrated the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. A reverent Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite preceded this message of the feast. The angels were present. A rich decoration of candles and flowers adorned the altar of sacrifice and Mary. The angels moved in and out of the house church. They surrounded the altar of Mary and also the altar of sacrifice. The Blessed Mother was dressed all in white and held up the blue rosary. She wanted to say to us: My children, pray this rosary daily, because it is very important for all of you.

Our Lady will speak today: I, as the Immaculate Heart of Mary, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims and faithful from near and far, beloved children of Mary and Father, to you all I speak today at this feast. I would like to thank you for paying attention to me on My Day of Honor. You are especially protected by this. Your souls will be flooded with the love of God, because your dearest Mother, as Immaculate Heart, will ask for all the streams of grace of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

You live on love, on the love of God. She protects you and I as Immaculate Heart, guide you through this time of tribulation, sickness and misery.

The stream of refugees, My beloved ones, has come over all of you like a plague, because the politicians are not willing to stop the Islamists and close the borders in order not to allow them to enter. Yes, terrorism is the worst evil, My beloved. There are of course also many believers who have to emigrate, who are legally seeking their true home here in Germany. They flee because they are persecuted for their Christian faith. Unfortunately, these are the fewest of the refugees.

Faith, My beloved ones, would hold all together in the true spirit.

My Immaculate Heart will protect all if they would dedicate themselves to this, My Immaculate Heart. I would press them all to My heart, for I love those who worship My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity.

The Holy Mass of Sacrifice protects you from evil. Celebrate them in this reverence. You are the sacrificial and the atoning. You atone for those who do not want to believe, because it is possible for everyone to celebrate Holy Mass in true reverence. Even though the authorities forbid the traditional mass of sacrifice according to Vatican II, priests are still allowed to celebrate it. The priests can decide for themselves and distribute Holy Communion, the heavenly bread, to the faithful kneeling in oral communion, if these priests themselves wish it.

I am waiting for many priests who are ready to tear down the wall they have built for themselves, the wall of unbelief, in order to fulfill unhindered the desire of heaven. Many are not prepared to draw the consequences from the situation. They should constantly testify to their faith when it is necessary. This is the difficulty for priests today.

The only possibility would be that some priests would join together to testify the strength of faith in the truth, because these messages should be spread all over the world. I, as Heavenly Mother, would stand by the heralds. No one is left alone by me, because my Immaculate Heart stands by everyone's side. I have the possibility to let the streams of grace flow into your hearts, that you proclaim words that flow out of your mouth, which you cannot influence, but which correspond to the full truth. They will help people to find the truth and live it.

You are loved by the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, who again gives you instructions to make your life more humane. In this way they can promote the life of faith. True faith means seeing nothing and yet believing. In this way you can give the Heavenly Father the joy of using Me as a grace mediator to have a powerful intercessor with the Father in heaven. I will bring all sorrows before the throne of the Heavenly Father and your troubles and tribulations will be heard. You will not be left alone; on the contrary, miracle upon miracle will happen, which you cannot influence. The world must acknowledge these wonders, because they cannot be explained.

He who lives in Divine Wisdom knows the truth and has the power to bear witness to it. This is what the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and your Heavenly Mother, today as the Immaculate Heart, are waiting for. Your hearts will be united with My Immaculate Heart and in it, My beloved children of Mary, you will grow stronger but never weaken.

Remain faithful to the truth and to heaven, for it offers you the greatest chances to persevere and not to give up, even in this most difficult time. You are loved by the Triune God and also by your Heavenly Mother. The angels will accompany you, especially the guardian angels and the Holy Archangel Michael, the patron saint of your home church in Göttingen.

Thus I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Live love, for love is the greatest. She will always steer you in the right direction. Never give up, but move forward. Amen.


