Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Blessed Mother speaks in the atonement night at 23.50 in the house chapel in Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Suddenly the house chapel in Mellatz was brightly lit as if by the push of a button. Everything shone in golden splendor. Even now, this sacred space sparkles in a bright glistening light that I cannot describe. Today we celebrate the day of the Blessed Mother, namely the night of atonement in Heroldsbach.

Our Lady will say: You, My beloved children, have prayed, sacrificed and atoned much in this night of atonement for holy priests.

My beloved children, I, the dear Mother of God, speak now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father, the Triune God, repeating only words of heaven.

My beloved children of Mary, I, your Mother, your dear Blessed Mother, speak to you and want to be with you in this night of atonement, in which many pilgrims are present in Heroldsbach and pray and sacrifice.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little one, the atonement was taken away from you this time by the little Jesus. Why, my little one? You have been allowed to celebrate the day of Christmas Eve today. You were not able to experience December 24 last year to the same extent as you did this night. On Christmas Eve, heavy atonement sufferings were imposed on you by the Heavenly Father to atone for the whole world, for the wicked deeds, above all for the priests.

During the Christmas days My Son Jesus Christ had to continue to suffer the great fears of death in you. He was the one who had to experience the greatest suffering in you. Not only you alone have suffered, but My Son Jesus Christ in you. The greatest abandonments were imposed on you in these days of pain and suffering. You couldn't believe that you weren't even allowed to celebrate Christmas with us, but that the greatest suffering was imposed on you on those days.

Why abandonment, my dear little one? Because your Jesus experienced in you the abandonment of the whole world. He was abandoned by everyone, especially on Christmas Eve. How many people no longer want to experience Him in their hearts, for He has become a symbol. Jesus Christ, my Son, the newborn Son of God became man in a stable. Isn't that why you had to spend the days of Christmas in abandonment? Did you not have to suffer with Him, with the newborn Son of God? This little Jesuit whom you kissed again and again in this house chapel in Mellatz has led you through these days of pain and death. You could think of nothing but suffering. Not even your prayers were answered. And yet you have grasped the last corner of faith and hope and have not given up.

The complaints that you addressed to My newborn Son of God were justified. You said, My beloved little one, you have failed. No, humanity has failed. You had to endure this suffering on Christmas days. It was cruel for you. The abandonment was so bad that you thought you were already in hell. The worst sufferings were those during the 50 days of the last seven weeks. Seven weeks of getting up in the morning and again and again experiencing agony, that Jesus Christ suffers in you day after day, you could not believe it. You meant that you are forsaken by everyone, even by the Heavenly Father, by His Son Jesus Christ, by the newborn baby Jesus, whom you begged and thought you would not be heard. Your Jesulein, whom you kissed again and again, sometimes out of desperation, that was there. It loved you very much at that time. It was hearty and kissing you, but the belief in it was more than despair, more than hopelessness. But the little Jesus had never left you, not one day, not one minute. This little Jesus had to impose everything on you for the world, because you must not forget, little one, it is the suffering of the world. You must bear the greatest suffering as atonement for the whole world. You could not understand that and you will not understand it today. It is too big and too massive to ever be able to fathom.

Therefore, my little one, today your Jesulein gives you thanks. Thank you for the many agonies and atonements brought in greatest hopelessness and abandonment. Your little flock accompanied you and carried you as they could. She did not leave you either, but in your agony you could not see anything. But now you are first of all redeemed from everything. 50 days of death suffering was very much for you. Now you will have to recover from this. You will be able to eat again and you will also be able to sleep again. Everything had to be taken away from you by the little Jesulein. World broadcast is suffering for the whole world.

Jesus will say: And now, My beloved little one, who has left Me the most? The Supreme Shepherd, who should follow Me in everything. What is he doing at the moment? He no longer kneels before me. He does not believe in my presence and testifies to it in that he can no longer kneel before me during the transformation, nor does he want to. He believes only in the symbol, in the sign, but I myself as God and man, I tell you all, am no longer present for him. And this is the goal of freemasons. A model for all, My beloved ones? Is it so, or are the tabernacles of modernism really empty? Do you now believe in My Messages, in the Messages of the Heavenly Father and the whole Heavenly Court?

Our Lady continues to speak: Will you continue to push My Son Jesus Christ into abandonment, that you, My little one, must suffer once more? Do not be frightened! Your dearest Mother has experienced and borne all sufferings with you. You will not be abandoned even then.

But first, as Mother of the priests and as Queen of the priests, I would like to call upon all clergy: Turn back! The time of coming of the great event is near. It is at the door, whether you believe it or not, My beloved sons of priests. This event will come! Jesus Christ in the Trinity, My Son, will really appear in the entire firmament. First the sign of the cross. The cross of agony will also appear. Bow before this cross and bow deeply, for these are the last traits of truth. Only the cross can still save you, if you now repent and believe in your cross and accept it, as it is wanted by me, the heavenly Mother, through the Holy Spirit. Your cross will be heavy. Look at my little one. Did she carry her cross or did she throw it off her shoulders? No! She carried it through to the last train, the breath of death.

Do you now believe that Jesus Christ, My Son, will come in great power and glory and I, as Mother, will appear? In the firmament you will see everything. Before that you will get some characters. Above all you, beloved chosen ones, will see these signs. I, the Heavenly Mother, may share it with you.

It is time, My beloved ones. Look at the false prophet Francis I. Where does he stand? He is standing in the heresy. He is the Antichrist. And now will happen what was conceived in the plan of the Heavenly Father because of these grave offences of the entire clergy. All have forsaken My Son Jesus Christ and have not followed Him, but have lived their own lives in sin and atrocities. This will take revenge, My beloved children.

Look at the arm of wrath of the Heavenly Father. He is exalted and he will strike, because he does not let his chosen ones be taken away. Many will now try to lay hands on the chosen ones of the Heavenly Father, but they will have no purpose, because the Heavenly Father holds His hand over them. You have full protection. Why? Because they believe and continue to trust in the omnipotence, the omniscience and the omnipotence of the Heavenly Father. He alone has the power and never Satan, who now walks over the earth and wants to destroy everything as Antichrist.

Beloved children, everything is obvious. Everything that was said in the messages of the Heavenly Father will happen. The time has come and nothing in the plan of the Heavenly Father will be left out.

The revelations of Saint John will be fulfilled in full strength. Read it and you will know what will happen. Nothing is hidden. Everything contains the full truth of the Triune God. I, as Mother, as Coredemptrix and as Queen of the World, must watch as My Son Jesus Christ is again crucified by His chosen sons of priests. They do not want to believe and do not want to turn back. My son warned them.

And what about you, My beloved Benedetto? Will you still want to flee or will you abandon yourself to your enemies? You are in the hands of your enemies. Will you repent of all your wicked deeds or will you be at the mercy of death? Do you want this or do you want to obey your Heavenly Father at the last moment and awaken bitter remorse in your heart? You still have the opportunity now. One little moment, then it is done. I love you. I love you unspeakably, beloved Benedetto, as My Son Jesus Christ loves you and wants to snatch your soul from Satan. Believe and trust, because the last moment has come for you.

And so it is with you. What you have been prophesied today by me, your dearest mother, is bitter truth. But you get the strength to survive everything, because you are protected, because you have believed to the full extent. Therefore they will not be able to harm you. Your dearest Father watches over you in all places. Wherever you go, you are protected. The Heavenly Father has already raised the flag of victory, because after this time the great victory will be celebrated and you will stand in this victory because you have persevered to the utmost. This is why the Heavenly Father in the Trinity loves you so unspeakably.

"Father, I love you! Father I love you unspeakably deeply and intimately! So you will pray to the Father. He is waiting for your prayers, for your love, because you must offer these consolations to the Heavenly Father. The whole world is against Him and people no longer believe in the Trinity, in the newborn Jesus, even though He did everything for you. The Jesus came into the world to suffer for the whole world. And you, My little one, have suffered with Him and you, My little flock, have supported My little one in the greatest suffering in which she stood.

This is what the night looks like today, the night of atonement in Heroldsbach. Such a message, penetrating, full of depth and full of suffering and full of heaviness. That night I, your mother, had to inflict this pain on you. That hurt and it still hurts a lot. Comfort Me and My thorny heart, for I am so alone as Heavenly Mother of the whole world.

I love you all. I greet and protect you with all My angels and saints. Be blessed in the full protection of heaven by your Heavenly Mother, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach. Love, Divine Love, shall accompany and strengthen you - from now on and always. The Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen. Love over love, longing over longing, faithfulness to the last. Amen.


