Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Second Sunday in Advent. Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in Mellatz through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the Feast of the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory. The angels were present in this holy mass of sacrifice. They moved in and they moved out in this house chapel in Mellatz and also moved into the sickroom. The entire altar of sacrifice and especially the altar of Mary were bathed in a bright glittering light, as well as the dear Child Jesus, the Little King of Love and all the statues.

Our Lady will speak today as she did yesterday: I, your dearest Mother, am the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory. So you have celebrated me today. And I thank you for giving Me this honor on this great feast. In your imperfect love you have worshiped perfect love, Jesus Christ in the Trinity. I stand beside Him as a mother and feel with Him. Again and again I want to tell you that I think of the priests.

The priests should consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart already at their ordination. Thus they are protected, because I want to take them right under my protective coat. They belong to Me and have unfortunately moved away from their Heavenly Mother. I myself am no longer revered. The statues are rarely placed where they can remember that there are many Marian feasts to celebrate throughout the year. But unfortunately they forget this. They are not willing to consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart. I want to draw them to My Heart and at the same time entrust them to the Heart of My Son in the Trinity because He wants to lead them to the Father. Today, on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, they are to throw themselves into the arms of the father and nestle up to him because they need his protection, and they also need my help. In every situation I want to stand by them, for I am after all their mother, their heavenly mother. And what mother does not suffer when her child goes astray? Again I want to draw them to Me and press them to My heart and give them Divine Love and let it flow into their heart. The stream of love shall inspire them to celebrate the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Is it not a great thing when My Son Jesus Christ offers Himself on the altars of sacrifice for all mankind who believes. He wants to give himself to them again. The sacrifice of the cross is renewed at the altar of sacrifice. The priest who believes gives himself completely. He gives himself to Jesus Christ and marries with Him in the Holy Transformation. From this strength he draws. And this strength does not leave him alone in difficult times. The misbelief, My beloved sons of priests, is to be recognized. If the true sacrifice is no longer celebrated according to the Catholic faith in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V, it no longer corresponds to the truth. The Seven Sacraments are also important. You have to keep them, you have to celebrate them. What a great sacrament is Holy Confession, which consists in confessing one's sins again and again and receiving Heavenly Bread, Holy Communion. What gratitude you should feel, My beloved sons of priests. Have you forgotten My Son Jesus Christ? Has He not knocked on your hearts many times? Did you open the doors of your heart wide so that He could enter? No! You have refused Him. Why is this, My beloved sons of priests? In your trust. I am here for you. Should I remove myself from you after your election? For you are the chosen ones, the priests, whom I have called with the blessing of the priesthood. This designation is unique. It holds the big secret. You could shudder at this great mystery of transformation, for in your hands the Son of God, Jesus Christ, can be transformed. I, your mother, am present and may look at this and see how great this secret is - unique. It cannot be bigger. This secret remains forever.

My Son Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for all of you by His death on the cross. He did not refuse His Father because He wanted to deliver you from all your sins. Those who are ready receive the graces of the Heavenly Father and the graces of the Holy Sacrifice. At the sacrificial altars this secret takes place. Sacrificial priests you shall be, my beloved ones, and for this I will help you, I, your Heavenly Mother, who cannot be idle because she loves her priestly sons. I want to protect you. I want to make you into something really big. This election that you have received is so great that you cannot believe it yourself. You should become aware of this and stand up for the fact that the Holy Sacrificial Feast should be and remain the greatest in your life. The power of the holy sacrificial meal shall not diminish. You shall love My Son intimately and embrace Him in the Holy Transformation. Your heart will merge with His heart. That is the greatest thing.

Am I not also united with you, for My Son is of My flesh? Do I not have to suffer as He did, from this priest crisis? Although you have been given everything as a gift, you are failing. Isn't this sad for a mother who has her day of honor today and is celebrated as an Immaculate Receiver? With an Immaculate Heart I come to your imperfect hearts and want to connect with you. This connection should be deep and intimate. Why, My beloved sons of priests? Because it is real and corresponds to the full truth. This truth you shall proclaim. You shall not continue to hide behind delusion. Admit your faults. It has become sacrilege.

But which mother does not want to lead her children back to the true faith, to her son Jesus Christ, whom she gave birth to. Unique priests you shall be, - loving, kind, patient, gentle, giving the greatest in love. You shall be adoring priests who bow their knees before the Blessed Sacrament and adore it. Jesus Christ looks at you in the Holy Host. His gaze connects with your gaze. Can you look at him? Can you still look into His eyes today, when this church of modernism is in confusion and in misbelief? You are to belong to Him, Jesus Christ. Surely you yearn in your deepest being for faith in the one true Triune God who loves you. You too would like to love Him, but the wall is still between you and Him, because you lack not only faith, but also the confession of untruth, lies and sacrileges.

I also speak to these two who are now at the head as chief shepherds. I address the false prophet. Will you be able to look clearly into the eyes of your Jesus if you help to prevent the Holy Sacrificial Feast, as was the case with the Franciscans of the Immaculata and perhaps others who will follow? Can you answer for this, beloved priestly son? Aren't you mine too? Are you not chosen too? Have you not also recognized and lived this election? And now your Heavenly Mother wants to help you to find the right way again and to live the true faith. I beg you to turn back, you too, dear Benedetto! You cannot stand at the head, namely, occupy the office of the supreme shepherd and at the same time proclaim erroneous faith. This is a contradiction. When I love, I love completely and in this love I am united with My dearest Lord Jesus Christ and united with My dearest Mother who leads me there. I am waiting for your repentance and I want to lead you back to My Son because as you know, He is Love and Love never deceives. She expects only the best. It always expects a reversal. This reversal shall be a complete reversal.

I often repeat Myself, My beloved children of Mary, My beloved sons of priests. What mother would not suffer under these circumstances and want to speak out to her children to beg, atone, sacrifice and pray for them? Because I love you all so much, My heart is heavy and full of suffering, like the heart of My little one who is currently enduring heavy atonements. Do not despair, my beloved children, My children of Mary, because your mother, the Immaculate, does not leave you. She is with you, beside you and within you. She carries you on her arms. She wants to weigh you and dry your tears. They are also my tears that you weep, that you shed in this time of confusion. Yes, it is.

No one can know where to find the truly Catholic faith. Where has it gone, who can it turn to, where can it look for it? In the world? In this church? Is it proclaimed there? Can he gratefully submit to it? Can he still bend his knees before the Blessed Sacrament when the priest turns his back to My Son Jesus Christ? What does he bend his knees to? Before the priest, but not before Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God and He wants to be worshipped. He is love, He is omnipotence, omniscience. Nothing is forgotten by him. For everyone who calls on Him, He has a mild, a kind word. He forgets no man. He is within you, my beloved children. He also suffers in you, My beloved soul of atonement. Unspeakable today is your suffering. But your mother suffers with it. She walks the path of suffering with you, also on this great feast.

I would like to thank you for giving Me this great honor on this day and celebrating Me as the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory. Because the victory will also be certain for you. Are you waiting for it? For sure. Only the Father in heaven knows about this time. Also I cannot share it with you and do not know it at all. Only the father alone knows about it. But the victory will happen. Therefore I call upon you: Protect yourselves. Flee to your homes. There you will find security, because Jesus Christ is present there. In your hearts you can find Him in silence. Flee to the house churches. There are many communities today that have founded house churches. There, a Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V is held. There you shall go. There you shall worship kneeling and look at the Holy Host. Adore the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

And now your dearest mother wants to say goodbye to you today. In the afternoon you will celebrate an hour of adoration from 15.00-16.00. All those who believe and trust Me, love Me and also want to give glory to My Son, will hold this hour of prayer for Me, because He has given Me to you as a mother. He has given away the dearest thing to you, namely Me. So much He has loved Me and loves Me to give Me to you as Mother of Love, as Mother of all Christianity and of the world.

So now I want to bless you, protect you, love you with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Continue to fight with me in this fight because victory is certain for all of you. Amen.


