Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Ask Heavenly Father to shorten the time!
- Message No. 1097 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter, and tell Our children how much We love them. God the Father will hold back the worst if all of you who belong to the remnant army pray fervently!
So listen to Our call and follow Our Word, so the evil one will not get through with his most evil deeds, and the New Kingdom of My Son will be given to you who are honestly and sincerely faithful to My Son.
So pray and ask the Father in Heaven to shorten the time. Your prayers will be answered if you keep to Our instructions.
So pray, My children, and ALWAYS be aware of Our love. No child who takes refuge in Us will be lost. Amen.
So pray now, beloved children, and remember your departed and the souls in Purgatory. For them, too, prayers must be offered for the relief of distress and torment and for their deliverance from Purgatory.
Pray, beloved children, for your prayer is full of strength and power and will defeat the evil one! Amen.
Believe and trust, and remain faithful to Jesus at all times. Amen.
Ask Us for Our help, and We grant it to you. Amen. With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Heaven is opened and I see the saints of the communion of saints, many holy angels, the great mighty and the small. I see Jesus and God the Father accompanying Our Lady, together with the Saints who have often spoken in these messages.
Make this known, My child. Amen.
"Keep to Our instructions. Thus you will not be lost, and the Kingdom of Heaven will be given to you. Amen."
Source: ➥