Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, September 8, 1997
Message of Our Lady

Beloved little children, welcome the Voice of Your Mother! You must fear nothing, little children. I am here!
May nothing shake your hearts. Hold onto Me, little children!
My Heart is a refuge for you, (pause) do not be discouraged. You are My dear ones, My beloved ones, you are My chosen ones! I love you very much.
Trust in prayer, in the power of prayer!
Love My Son more than anything in your lives! Worship My Son Jesus! Do not stop Communing with My Son Jesus. Do not stop adoring Him!
Trust! Pray! Pray!
Trust in the Mercy of GOD! Trust in the Holy Spirit! Give yourselves to GOD! Surrender yourselves to the LOVE of GOD!
I am the Mother who speaks to your hearts: - do not let your hearts get hard, children! Now is the time of Grace, keep praying, beg! Do not let the enemy shake your hearts, let him harden your hearts with bad thoughts, with lack of Faith!
Trust! Trust in Me, and love each other very much".