Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

At night, I saw St. Joseph who had in his right hand a lily. He was accompanied by St. Mary of the Crucified Jesus who was on his right and St. Teresa of Avila who was on his left. Around St. Joseph were 12 angels forming a crown. St. Joseph talked to me privately, blessed me, and then disappeared. I thought the apparition was over, but soon afterwards Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared majestically, he had a golden crown on his head, a golden robe and a glowing white robe. From the wounds on his hands and feet came rays that illuminated the whole place where we were. Jesus said the following message:
My peace be with you!
I am the Light of the World calling you to conversion. Do not be deaf to my voice, do not be rebellious, but be obedient to my call.
I speak, I call, I invite you to be united in my love, but so many desire to live in sin and are going the wrong way.
Go back, go back to the road of conversion that my Blessed Mother points out to you. Consecrate yourselves to the protection of my Virgin Father Joseph. I have sent him at this time to defend you from the present dangers.
Great darkness wishes to sink my holy boat, but the devil will not succeed. Pray the Holy Rosary to my Mother, for into her hands I have given the necessary graces that will help you live in faith, peace, and protection in these times of harsh trials, which will grow more and more so that I can separate the chaff from the wheat. I am purifying my Church and the world, and I will purify it even more, for my strong arm will cleanse all the dirt and destroy everything that is blinding many of my beloved children, who have grown cold in their faith and have been carried away by human ideas and dangerous thinking that are not according to my will. Live my commandments and teachings.
The woman clothed with the sun is fighting against the red dragon. She is shining in the world, preparing hearts for me, the Lord. Blessed are those who hear her calls and put them into practice. But I tell you, all those who remain deaf will not endure the trials to come, and will not have the strength to go on.
Fight for your salvation. Surrender yourselves to the protection of my Virgin Father Joseph and make known his pure and holy Heart, and I will bless you a thousand times over and grant you an ocean of graces and blessings from heaven that will serve the good of your souls, your families, the Church, and the world.
Return to your homes with my peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!