Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, December 13, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
My dear children, on this beautiful night your Heavenly Mother wishes to speak to you. Thank you for your prayers. I am the Queen of Peace, the Mother of God and your Mother.
Little children, pray the Holy Rosary much every day for world peace and an end to war. Pray and be converted.
My little children, pray for the whole Holy Church. I need your prayers to save the souls of poor sinners. Jesus sends me here to exhort you to live His Holy Word. Come back to Jesus with all your heart.
My children, come to the Holy Eucharist. Always read the Holy Bible. The cross is the sign of my Son Jesus. Love the Holy Cross. My little children, in the greatest difficulties have faith, trust and hope. Be firm in trials. Let God solve your problems. Fight against Satan. He is very cunning and wants to attack you. Pray the holy rosary and you will overcome him.
My little children, do you want to deliver yourselves into the hands of God our Lord? If you do, pray a lot and live a holy life.
Little children, do you want to console the Heart of your Heavenly Mother? If you want to, love my Son Jesus. Go to him. Adore Him, glorify Him, exalt Him, praise His Holy Name, bless Jesus continually. Notice the terrible offenses hurled against him. My little children, say often to Jesus:
Jesus, I love You. Jesus, I adore You. Jesus, I want You to dwell within my heart.
My little children, today there is celebration in Heaven. The Angels in Heaven rejoice to see that their Heavenly Mother comes to the rescue of her dear and sinful children. My dear children the Angels and Saints in Heaven long to see you all together with them one day in Heaven.
The Holy Trinity loves you and blesses you. May the peace of Jesus descend upon all of you. My Immaculate Heart is the Ark that will protect you from every evil and from every punishment. I come to warn you that punishment is near, very near, and that you must totally change your lives.
The cup of Divine justice is overflowing and overfull. Soon, great events will shake all humanity, renewing all men. Soon, the great purification will take place. Purify yourselves now of your sins, freeing yourselves with the Holy Confession, to be able to bear the Day of the Coming of the Lord.
O mothers who do not want the little children in your womb to be born by killing them. Repent, repent, for the wrath of God our Lord will fall on the murderous mothers and fathers. Pray for an end to abortion. Pray for an end to violence. Pray hard for those who do not believe in God. Make sacrifices for poor sinners.
My little children, wipe the tears from your Heavenly Mother's face because of the countless sins being committed in the world today. How many people offend the Lord. How many blaspheme against His Holy Name. Notice these terrible sins. Help me little children. Your Heavenly Mother counts a lot on your help. Pray for Brazil. I tell you again: if the Brazilians do not heed my requests, a great chastisement will come to your homeland. Pray for her. Jesus loves your country very much. Pray for her. He has a great grace to accomplish here in Brazil. I am the Virgin of Peace, the Mother of Jesus. I thank you for being here to listen to my message. I pour my graces on all of you. Thank you for your response to my call. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
On this same day, Our Lady appeared to my mother and showed her how a silver tray full of food descended from heaven. This tray descended into the hands of Our Lady who held it. Showing it to my mother she said,
Prepare yourselves for the feast of Manna, so the food will come from Heaven.