Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, October 16, 1999
Saturday, October 16, 1999
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My sister, there are many chambers in My Heart of Hearts, which is Divine Love. The door to each chamber is unlocked through self will, self surrender. Each doorway leads you deeper into Divine Love - deeper into My Heart... until the soul reaches the deepest, most intimate chamber of Divine Union, and compliance with the Divine Will of God. In this most intimate chamber the soul knows Me as never before. He has no wants save to love Me more. His happiness is My happiness. He is willing to sacrifice anything to console Me. Few reach this chamber."
"The first door the soul must open is perhaps the most difficult. Through the Flame of My Mother's Heart the soul recognizes its faults and failings. By a movement of free will, he decides to overcome his weaknesses - to let them be burned away through the Flame of Holy Love. Yes, the first doorway to Divine Love is Holy Love. It is the purgative stage. The soul may open this door, quite committed to the path he sees before him, but because he gives in to Satan's temptations, finds himself outside the first door again. Over and over he may have to re-commit to Holy Love."
"Finally, he will be less tempted to old weaknesses. He will recognize them and avert them. Now he can approach the first door to Divine Love. Once through this doorway, a great peace comes upon the soul. He is able to go deeper into prayer. He is more aware of the grace of the present moment. Indeed, he is able to recline in My Heart and find a respite herein. He does not take joy in so-called worldly pleasures anymore. His joy is in Me. The soul drifts along in this sea of calm, recognizing more frequently the difference between his wants and his needs. In this chamber the soul has few wants."
"Sister, meditate on the consecration until it becomes a part of you. Study all I have said thus far concerning the consecration to Divine Love."
"I am blessing you."
Source: ➥